5 Great Ways How to Get a Flat Stomach

Have you been considering getting a flat stomach? If you are, then follow these 5 great ways on how to get a flat stomach.


1. Raise Your Metabolic Rate. One crucial thing that you should do is to raise your metabolic rate. Why? Because the higher the metabolic rate, the more fat you will burn. If your metabolic rate is high enough it can even burn fat even while you are not doing anything. One great exercise to increase your metabolic rate even after you stop the physical activities is running. When you run for a minimum of 40 minutes, the effect can last to a minimum of 19 hours after you stop running! Just before running drink a glass of warm water and after your run, drink plenty of water. This will help boost your metabolic rate as well as quenching your thirst.


2. Eat More Times Daily. Instead of your regular 3 or 4 meals daily, eat 6 to 8 meals daily, every 2 to 3 hours interval. But there is a catch. The meals has to be small in size. Make the size half of your regular meals. If the meal size is as your regular meal, then you will gain more weight instead. Eating small and repetitively will make you feel fuller throughout the day and it will also increase your metabolic rate. For maximum effect, eat only carbohydrates before 2 pm and after that only eat proteins.


3. Do Crunches Everyday. That is right. You must do crunches daily and this must be consistent otherwise it will not work. Remember that the only person that is holding you back from your flat stomach is you! Apart from doing the crunches, you should also do other exercise for your abdominal region. Crunches will only work for the upper area of your abdomen. So, for the lower are and your love handles, you will need to do leg raises and side bends respectively. You should also try some of these exercise that can give you a flat stomach. There are Vacuum Pose and Belly Rubs, Torso Twist, Russian Twist, Belly Resting Exercise, Hip Raise Exercise, Air Cycling. Sit Ups, Front Squat, Log Roll, The Crab Ab Workout, Ab Tuck, Hanging Knee Raise, Hanging Leg Raise, V Crunches, Chin Up Crunches, Ball Crunches, Side Crunches, Log Roll, Dumbbell Side Bends, Leg Lift Exercise, Knees In and Out. Inclined Sit Ups and Reverse Crunches. If you don’t know what some of these exercises are, simply look up pictures of them. Unfortunately adding all these exercises to this webpage would slow the loading time down far too much. If you are familiar with these exercise, great! Just do some of them, even mix them up. You can also sign up on this page and get access to some of my top exercise choices for slimming down and toning up here


4. Stop Eating Before 7 PM. Make sure you stop all your eating before 7 pm. Normally we humans don’t do much activities after 7 pm up to the time we sleep. Any calories intake after 7 pm will most probably end up being stored as fat by our body. Our body will lower its metabolic rate when we sleep and as a result we cannot digest the food properly.



5. Quit Drinking Beer Or Alcoholic Drinks. You must stop drinking all alcoholic drinks. Where did you think the phrase “Beer Belly” came from? Beer or any alcoholic drinks for that matter will not make your stomach flat. The obsessive use and misuse of alcoholic drinks can be destructive to individuals as well as the society. Alcohol is often consumed at night, and even consuming 2 or 3 alcoholic beverages will often covert to fat in your body.  


Follow these 5 great ways on How To Get A Flat Stomach today and you will notice visible results in about 14 days to a month.

How to Get a Flat Stomach With No Machines – 3 Secrets For Attention Grabbing Six Pack Abs

junk food

Getting a Six Pack Explained


Have you ever wondered how to get a flat stomach? Sure you have, who hasn’t? People are constantly looking for techniques that will get them that pack of 6 abs but most of the time the costs are too high for that luxury. Here are three tips that can get you on the way to your destination. Getting six pack abs is not such a big deal after all. You just need the patience and the dedication that’s all – and perhaps a little bit of knowledge too.


The abs contain muscle groups that flex the torso forward, to the side and rotate it. These muscles need to be strengthened a bit. The way to do this is to do 2 exercises that include forward flexion and side flexion as well as rotational exercises – these exercises would include forward crunches and sit-ups (forward flexion) side bends and side crunches (side flexion) trunk rotation and standing twists (rotational exercises). Then you will need to increase your metabolism to burn that extra flab that covers your abdominal muscles. To do this you will need to warm up at a comfortable pace for 2 to 5 minutes then do some hard work, as hard as possible.


stomachTry sprinting very fast or running up a slope or stairs. Then stop to catch your breath for 2 minutes than repeat the hard task. Do this 5 times. Stabilize your blood sugar. This is very important when it comes to burning fat. The body burns calories 24 hours a day so why feed it only three times a day? Eat small portions frequently like ever 2 hours on a regular basis. This will prevent the blood sugar levels from fluctuating from high to low. Eating that frequently will speed up your metabolism. Don’t mistake eating with eating unhealthy sugary, salty and fatty foods. Focus on avoiding processed foods; instead focus on fresh, delicious, nutritious, and low calorie foods; add in the physical activity mentioned above, and watch the inches melt away over a relatively short amount of time. 

Flat Tummy Exercises

muscle tips

How to get a flat stomach. That is something that people struggle with year round, but especially as summer approaches, and it is time to show off their sexy beach body. The problem is that most people do not have the flat stomach that they are looking for. Getting Rid of The Myths. There are 2 “quick fixes” that people often try in an attempt to get sexy abs. The first is diet pills. So, what do most diet pills do? Typically, they do one of two things.


1 – They flush out water weight. Our bodies are mostly made up of water. There is a reason for that! Flushing out the water, in turn, will dehydrate you. That will negatively affect your health. Also, it is a very temporary fix.


2 – Diet pills speed up your metabolism. First of all, a pill that speeds up your metabolism is not something that you should be putting in your body. Second, the results are only temporary. As soon as you stop taking the pills, your metabolism slows back down. To make it worse, many people get used to eating more than usual while they are taking diet pills, since they are burning more calories. Once they stop taking them, they often continue to eat more than before, and end up heavier than they were when they started trying to get a flat stomach.


Myth number 2 is that starvation is how to get a flat stomach. A few things happen when you starve yourself. First of all, your body goes into preservation mode. This means that your metabolism slows down, big time, in an attempt to keep you from depleting all of your body’s  nutrients. Next, your immune system suffers. Without the proper nutrients, your body can not defend itself. One more thing  is that, again, the results are only temporary. Eventually, you will need to start eating again. Now you have a slower metabolism, and when you start feeding your body again, it is going to hold on to everything that it can, in case you get crazy and try to starve it again.


beach bodyWhat does work? You need a proper combination of 2 things if you want to know how to get a flat stomach. 1 – Diet. When I say diet, I am not referring to being on a diet. I am referring to you regular daily diet, as in what you eat normally. Without feeding your body the right foods, you will never get the sexy abs that you are going for. This means limiting, or even cutting out; soda, fried foods, sugary foods, foods high in additives and preservatives, and other junk foods. On top of knowing what to stay away from, you should know what to eat, such as whole wheat, fruits and vegetables, and drink lots of water. 2 – Exercise. You can do crunches all day, but they are not the secret to how to get a flat stomach. The abdominals, much like every other muscle group in the body, are very complex. They need to be worked in different ways to prevent your body from adapting. When you repeatedly work your muscles the same way your bod knows what you are going to done next and adapts to it and your body stops being stimulation and slows down on muscle growth. You have to mix up your exercise program and confuse your body and this when you get the most muscles growth and toning.