Is Excessive Weight Only an Appearance Problem?

For most people aiming to lose weight through varied methods, the origin is a nagging feeling of low self-esteem. Not being able to fit into old clothes, disliking your appearance in a bikini or feeling uncomfortable about your appearance when hanging out with a group of people are a few of the many problems that trigger the dream of being slim and looking attractive again and thus the desperate efforts to shedding off extra pounds.


Is appearance, however, the only reason you should want to lose weight? Should weight loss be the least of your worries if you are overweight but satisfied with your appearance? On the basis of logical and scientific grounds, the answer to both the questions is a big NO! Whether your obesity is due to unhealthy eating habits, physical inactivity, alcohol consumption or due to other reasons, you now need to get going to work against it. This is because unfortunate as it is for many, being overweight is no longer a matter of looking unattractive only.


Latest research by health experts has revealed a number of dangerous health conditions that can result from being obese. One of the most shocking revelations is the fact that 9 out of 10 Americans are at risk of developing a cardiovascular disease! The most common conditions are that of high blood pressure and cholesterol, which in turn cause problems like breathlessness and sleeping discomfort. It is notable how even at this rather mild level of adverse effects of obesity, it already starts interfering with your routine and daily life, making daily tasks difficult to manage. You will find yourself less able to multitask and to fulfill the demands of your job, being more prone to tiredness and fatigue. It does not, however, end here.


Varying from individual to individual, being overweight has been found to be a potential cause of several other medical problems like diabetes, gallbladder disease, sleeping disorders and lower back pain. Some of these may last permanently or for several years before you can return to your normal, healthy self. In addition, as you start aging, you will find yourself more prone than fit individuals to common diseases and medical conditions. You fitness level will drain faster, thus making your life rather dull and problematic sooner than usual.


All in all, being overweight is in no way limited to psychological problems like low self-esteem and low levels of confidence during social interactions. It is pretty much physical, that too to a very dangerous extent. You must, therefore, cut down on extra pounds you have acquired. The perfect way to achieve the latter is to adopt an ideal combination of adequate physical activity and a perfect diet plan, so as to be able to lead not only a healthier but a happier, fresher life! 

Posted by: oswingrant on

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