Fitness Tips At Home

tips to get fit

Fitness Tips


Fitness is a very complex subject that needs to be explained in simple terms so everyone can understand and apply. If you’re just starting out with a home workout routine or working out in the gym, keep your workouts and exercises as simple as you can. Your Fitness will improve over time. By keeping your exercises and workouts simple you will learn the correct ways to perform each exercise and stay injury free. High intensity programs may not be for you! These programs usually lack correct form and can be very hard on the body if your not ready for them. Most people are not in good enough shape to follow these programs without getting hurt.




These programs do have their benefits and when you are 100% ready you will get the best out of them. Learn the basics and perform them properly. A good program won’t make you throw up or lose 5 pounds right away, but they’re structured so you can continually improve and stay injury free. In order to get the results you really want you will have to look at your Nutrition too. You don’t need to diet or learn too much about how you should eat right away if you are new to exercise and dieting, you can start and improve over time with diet and exercise. Just know some of the basics.




Protein- consists of 4 calories per gram. It’s required for muscle maintenance and functioning. Try and consume on average 100 grams of protein per day, or if you are trying to pack on a few extra pounds of lean muscles consume about 1 grams of protein daily for every pound of your body weight; for example if you weigh 200 lbs consume around 200 grams of protein daily.








Carbohydrates- contain 4 calories per gram. There are two types of carbs; simple (sugars) and complex (starches and fiber). Simple carbohydrates are unhealthy processed foods that mainly consist of empty calories. Complex carbohydrates can aid in weight loss and digestive health. Carbohydrates are an essential energy source and they should not be excluded in any diet.




Fats- consist of 9 calories per gram and are essential to function properly. There are good and bad fats. Good fats are called essential fatty acids. They include linoleic acid and alpha-linoleic acid. Also known as Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Bad fats or trans-fatty acids should be avoided as they can increase your chance for heart disease. If you’re the average person trying to lose weight just consume less.




Eating healthier is better but you can still eat healthy and gain weight if you’re consuming more than your body uses. Start by finding out your estimated RMR and figure out how many fewer calories you need to consume. Once you’re on the right track you will never look at another diet again. It’s just that simple.


I’ve attached a very simple workout anyone can do at home to help them in their fitness goal. It involves some mild cardio and a bit of resistance training anyone who works out at home can do with very little gym equipment they can buy at any fitness center, sears, online website, or even certain department stores. I have gym memberships, but there are times when I’m ready to just stay home and do a simple workout with a few machines as opposed to suiting up and driving to the gym which is often packed where the machines and/or free weights are constantly being used or being waited on to be used. Lets get your fitness on!







Oh, I can hear you now. “Well Einstein; my brain tells me I’m hungry, so I eat (a little more than I should sometimes) and… Presto! Hello Thunder Thighs, the Spare Tire and those wonderful Love Handles we all adore so much.” Right? Wrong! As it turns out, there’s actually a little piece of your brain that may be telling you, not only, to eat junk but also to eat a lot of it. So, what is this little piece of my brain and how do I have it surgically removed you may ask? Well, it’s called the hypothalamus gland, but no luck going under the knife; get it removed and you’ll have bigger problems, like: What the heck am I doing in this pine box six feet under ground? Yes, although about the size of an almond, it’s a very significant part of the brain that plays some key roles in your body’s functionality. Throw it out of balance (which is easier done than you may think) and the result, among other problems, is some unattractive bulges in places they just ought not be.




The primary function of the hypothalamus is to link the nervous system to the endocrine system. The endocrine system, made up of the thyroid, pituitary gland, adrenals, pancreas and a few others, is the system most responsible for your body weight. So if the hypothalamus gets out of whack it can actually end up causing severe constant food cravings, a low metabolism and the storing of fat in the secure fat reserves. These secure fat reserves rest in the “problem areas” and are the last types of fat that are burned up by the body. That’s why simply doing diets that lower your caloric intake or only allow you to eat certain foods don’t always work. More interesting is that, since the hypothalamus also controls your bodyweight set point, it also explains why after such diets people end up gaining the weight back.




Now you’re probably asking how the hypothalamus turns in to this tool of evil. There are several ways, direct or indirect, that the gland gets overtaxed and worn out. These include lack of walking, a clogged colon or liver, Candida overgrowth, nutritional deficiencies, excess super-refined food, all the chemicals, hormones and antibiotics we end up taking in through the foods we eat, poor circulation and parasites, just to name a few. The problem has gotten increasingly worse over the last few decades with changes in the food industry designed to make more profit but in the process have made the food less healthy.




Thankfully, just like any other type of sickness, your hypothalamus can be nursed back to health. Since the food we eat is the main thing that stresses the gland, a simple switch to organic foods and avoiding super-refined and processed food can make a huge difference. It would also be wise to do a liver and colon cleanse and a Candida and parasite detox. Developing a workout routine or even just an hour walk on a regular basis also helps a great deal. The bottom line is: resetting the hypothalamus treats the cause not the symptom. Granted this may be a start of a new path for a lot of you. But take this one and it may be the last one you have to in order to reach and maintain your weight loss goal.