Find out if stretching can cause you to get in shape and be An anti aging fix

Find out if stretching can cause you to get in shape and be An anti aging fix. When you do your core exercises you want to make sure you have already stretched prior to your workout. As you age your joints and muscles start to become stiff. There have been studies Read More

Is Going Green the Same as Eco Sustainability?

What is the difference between the green movement and the sustainability movement? The difference is DEATH ! Have I got your attention? Good. You see, I was probably like you, thinking that going green, being eco-friendly and sustainability was one and…

What Happened To Consideration And Time Valuation?

Today, I went by a small restaurant that sells Mediterranean Falafels and such. Their sign on the door said that they open at 11 am. I was due to be elsewhere at 11, but I was so hungry this morning, having had only a small Fuji apple . But that Read More

Noah Movie Unimpressive

Last night, my son and I saw the #Noah movie. My son had no interest in seeing it, but I was itching to see it, because I was expecting a great epic; one that might qualify for an academy award.  I thought because exceptional stars like Russell…

Thought For The Week 74

My mom needed new # toilets . What a way to start this off, right? If you know anything at all about my Thought For The Week Series, you know that usually, there’s a God story in the mix. So, you gotta wonder…how’s this one going to turn into a…

Thought For The Week 75

My car has been humming. It’s a loud, buzzing sort of hum that seems loudest between 30 and 50 #mph. When this humming started, I thought at first that it might be related to a transmission problem. I was hoping it wasn’t, but the car seemed…

Scams and Scammers: Certified Deeds

I decided to start a series on this topic because I’m just seeing too many of these things. There are far too many people, organizations and groups that are working to #deceive out there, and they market their deceptions much like honest people market…

Thought For The Week 76

This weekend I went on a retreat . The retreat was organized by my pastor ‘s wife and her team from the church. I like my pastor’s wife. She’s very different from most of the pastor’s wives I’ve encountered over the years. She’s…

How to STOP Fortifying Your Blind Spots – Why Free Isn’t Free

How to STOP Fortifying Your Blind Spots – Why Free Isn’t Free I recently had a coaching call with a business coaching client of mine and she is struggling with something I see all the time and have experienced myself. “How can I get people to stop treating…

Promises of Quick Weight Loss

PROMISES OF QUICK WEIGHT LOSS We have yet another fad diet on the market… Have you seen the Six Weeks to OMG diet? I typically ignore all of these diets but this one really got my attention. When I was a teen and early 20-something, I fell for all of…