3 Techniques for Juicing Wheatgrass

wheat grass

You can’t help be impressed with what juicing wheatgrass can do for you. The benefits are truly amazing. That’s more than theory or at least from my perspective, because I have seen the results first hand. Both my wife and I started juicing wheatgrass a while back and although our results were not exactly the most amazing at first. The first benefit we observed was increased energy and steadier nerves.


After about 3 weeks into our juicing regimen my wife claimed that her eyesight had improved dramatically. In fact, she shed her contact lenses and could thread a tiny needle effortlessly. That’s even more impressive considering she is (I’ll get in trouble for this) almost 60. Other benefits include better sleep, reduced inflammation, fewer cravings, improved mental clarity, and a boosted immune system. Wheatgrass juice also provides cellular level detoxification. And that’s just a sampling of the incredible benefits. It’s no wonder that more and more people are seeking more information about this healthy alternative.


The more difficult issue in regard to wheatgrass juicing is properly and effectively extracting the juice. A conventional juicer is not the best choice for juicing. Juicing will also play a role in your weight loss in a positive way. A diet consisting on juices will minimize your caloric intake.. Juicing with your existing juicer is next to impossible although there is a method that I will share with you later in this article. Here, then, are 3 methods for extracting the juice from wheatgrass:

1) Using a device called a “juicing masticator” is by far the most effective method for juicing wheatgrass. These machines resemble a meat grinder and work by grinding and pressing the juice from the blades of wheatgrass. Masticators range in price from $30 upwards to $1000. A midrange unit should serve your needs the best. The resulting juice from the masticating machine can then be mixed with other recipes involving your regular juicing. Yes, maybe it’s a little more trouble but the healthy benefits are definitely worth the extra effort. Wheatgrass juice has a strong taste that is a little bit difficult to tolerate so mixing it with more flavorful juice is a considerable improvement.


2) A blender can be used for juicing wheatgrass. To accomplish this task add wheatgrass, water to cover the wheatgrass, and a couple of handfuls of ice. Turn your blender on high speed and emulsify the ingredients. Then you will need to strain the resulting mush through a tiny meshed strainer or suitable cloth. The idea is to extract just the liquid.


3) This method makes use of your existing juicer but it is definitely the least effective of the previous technique. Wrap wheatgrass in spinach leaves and then insert them in your juicer. Add pineapple or apple chunks to aid in breaking down the wheatgrass and for added flavor.


Again, this is not the preferred method but it will work until you can invest in a good blender or juicing masticator. To make the process easier we often freeze extra juice in ice trays. This cuts down on the use of multiple devices for juicing and also enables us to use wheatgrass at its maximum potency. Juicing can make a huge difference in your health and well-being and juicing wheatgrass really brings it all together. I sincerely hope that your results are as dramatic as ours and that you feel better than ever.