How to Develop an Effective Workout Routine

weight lifting tips

Check Out My Workout Plan, it’s Awesome!



The best way to develop an effective workout routine is to know what you want to achieve. Do you want to develop large muscles? Do you want to lose weight? No one wants to waste a lot of time in the gym and not get the results you are wanting. So, how do you make the most out of your workout, and make it effective? As long as you don’t have any sort of asthma, or knee troubles, choosing a great cardio work out can be highly beneficial. Make sure it’s something that you enjoy. Spinning can be very intense, but, it can be quite a bit of fun. Especially with a really fun teacher. So, don’t be afraid to try out different teachers. If you try a class, and you don’t enjoy it, always give it another chance with a different teacher.


For a cardio workout to be even more effective workout routine, I find running sprints or doing interval training can me much more efficient than if you went for a steady pass the whole time. The reason for this is, during the resting phase, your body is catching up to the interval it just did. This tends to burn more body fat. I like to do one minute of hard work, and one minute of rest. If you need to start out slower, you can do 30 seconds of hard work and one minute of rest. Sometimes even two minutes of rest can be beneficial if your heart rate is getting up too high. Then, you can start to push yourself after a month or so.


For a weight lifting workout routine to be really efficient, it’s always best to change our routine up often. It’s recommended to change it up every six weeks. However, when I’m working out, I change it up weekly. I always like to keep my body guessing, and never get used to what it is doing. The only way to make changes in the body, or even the mind for that matter, is to get out of our comfort zone. Staying in a comfort zone keeps us the same. So, sometimes we have to try new things. You can try lifting heavier weights, and going much slower than you normally lift at. Going really slow forces the negative contraction to happen. So, try doing less repetitions, going much slower, and raising the weight. You will build more muscle this way. Muscle burns more body fat, even at rest and this is perfect when it comes to an effective workout routine.


dead lifting


How To Lose Belly Fat With Cardio Exercise Workout Routines In 30 Days


There are many people out there in desperate need of solid information on how to lose belly fat. Cardio exercise workout routines are probably the best, to give you a fast 30 day start. Losing body fat is an all out war. It is not something that should take you years to do. What you need to do, if you are serious about getting rid of ugly fat then give yourself a solid 30 days of all out fat loss effort. What you will find, is that you are able to accomplish your goal a lot easier because of the short amount of time you have to go through uncomfortable situations. Then you can return to normal life for a while after an effective workout routine plan to speed up your progress.


For 30 days you will focus on total body weight training and high intensity cardio exercise routines.

Here is the schedule:

Monday: Total body training, squats, deadlifts, dips and pull-ups

Tuesday: 22 min interval cardio running or bike

Wednesday: Total body training, single leg squats, chin-ups, Dumbbell chest press and step-ups with weights

Thursday: 22 min interval cardio running or bike

Friday: Higher rep total body training, front squats, clean and press and bent over rows

Saturday: 1hr fast walk in the morning

Sunday: 30 min fast walk in the morning



Young woman exercising in gym, doing squats with Olympic barbell. Sportive woman doing squatting with a barbell at the gym

My estimate is doing this particular workout routine has provided thousands of people with significant fat loss results. It works because it is extreme and it shocks the body into change, and rapid change. But remember, you are only going to be this aggressive for 30days. Once the 30days is up, you can return to a more normal and at a comfortable schedule.

Workout Routines Designed for Results

Workout Routines Can Be Designed Specifically for Success



If you find yourself in the ever-growing category of those that are obsessed with hitting specific goals in regards to their health and weight-loss there are a few new exciting options available today. Workout routines can vary with time. It seems the workout routines of the past which were antiquated and boring have been revamped to deliver routines that are motivating them to bring real results. The days when you had to drop to the floor to do hundreds of sit-ups or become extremely exhausted doing what seemed to be thousands of jumping jacks are gone. Not to mention there’s no forgetting that ridiculously repetitive running in place. The type of exercises just mentioned above as being inefficient are just plain boring, in fact, mustering up some motivation to do them on a daily basis can be harder than actually doing the exercises themselves.


As those exercise routines get tossed out the window so do the goals you set in regards to your weight and health. The workout routines of today consist of any of the following mentioned programs from going to your local gym or fitness center, to purchasing equipment of your own that you can use in home, to even buying in home DVD-based workout programs. Not to mention this is the Internet age and there are all kinds of custom programs and plans online that can be tailored to meet your needs. These plans can vary depending on your age, current health, and the results that you’re looking to get from the program. Anyone just starting out would begin with simple workout routines that incorporate low impact repetitions this being the best way to go. Your workouts should never leave you out of breath or without the wish to keep on going, nor injure any particular muscle group.


A simple beginning workout routine would include exercises that are well known, for instance crunches that focus on the midsection. This particular workout would perhaps for the beginner be performed in sets of 3 to 5 with several breaks in between working up to a completion of 25 reps. From this point the new exerciser can move on to other exercises that work other areas of the body for instance the biceps. Starting with dumbbells for your biceps you’d want to get into a habit of performing 3 sets of reps with each set consisting of no more than 12 reps per arm. As your body becomes accustomed to the weight at that time it would be good to increase the weight of your dumbbells for added resistance. A crucial point to keep in mind is that as you increase your weight avoid increasing it dramatically as this can lead to an overtaxing of your muscles. There are also levels of exercise routines for intermediate and advanced individuals. These are usually reserved for those who wish to maintain results already achieved or to speed up a weight loss program. The intermediate and advanced program consists of the same exercises previously mentioned but contain more variation and more aggressive repetitions. For example, the abdominal curls are now added to “tuck crunches”, with all exercises being done for up to twenty-five reps. Of course, don’t forget to rest between sets!


Although ab exercises have been focused on in this article you also are given varying levels of a hamstring, forearm, legs, back, shoulders and cardio routines that are in place to get those areas of your body in shape. Making a fitness accessory purchase can also go a long way to increase the results you get from your workout routines. As an example consider a resistance band which can be used to help tone almost every part of your body. As an inexpensive accessory the ban can be used when you’re lying down, standing, or squatting against a wall. The band is best used when it’s placed underneath your feet and you pull on the handles upwards or outwards feeling the resistance in your arms, shoulders, back and chest. Another position where the bands can be handy would be when you’re in a reclining position and the bands are under your feet while you pull towards your body for tension engaging all kinds of upper and lower body muscles. The resistance band is probably one of the best accessories any beginner can buy. In addition to resistance bands a few other accessories that should be added to any workout routine would be dumbbells of varying weights, wrist or ankle weights as well as a heart rate monitor.


Of course all these suggestions about a great working exercise routine would completely null and void that routine if it did not come with the best possible nutritional eating plan. In accordance with any exercise plan must be a healthy diet plan to back it up. When someone eats right and nutritiously while on a workout or fitness plan they are improving the odds dramatically that their metabolism will work properly and that their body as a whole will function and perform better. Proper nutrition also goes a great distance in helping out your immune system, your brains alertness and response time as well as your skin. When an adequate diet and proper nutrition is avoided your body will respond by disappointing you rendering all of your exercise energies useless. What’s even more is that once you begin to see the results coming from your better eating habits you will have more motivation to increase the amount of time you exercise and give it your all.


The best diet for a workout routine or actually anyone alive today hands down would be a diet made up of foods that are rich in vitamins, fats, fiber, carbohydrates, minerals and protein. Try not to forget about water either – when water is readily available it helps your body to stay hydrated due to the fact that regular exercise saps your body of its essential moisture. When considering the best diet for you just think back to the food pyramid you were taught in school. Your teachers had the right idea when they stressed the importance of getting in at least five servings of nutritious and healthy fruits and vegetables per day. Today the reasons for being healthy and staying fit are well-known by most people. The benefits you get from this type of lifestyle allow you to not just look better but also feel better. When proper workout routines are incorporated into your lifestyle you will immediately feel the benefits and enjoy a longer more satisfying life as well.

Squats An Exercise Icon




You are not truly complete when it comes to being physically mature and well developed in the lower body region without squats. Squats are considered a top notch super power exercise that can’t be ignored. Ladies tend to think that if they perform squats they will develop these huge manly muscles and that is not necessarily the case. You can perform squat and get a highly shredded lower body and yet lean and feminine enough in appearance. If you are into becoming really muscular and bulky like a bodybuilder then you would most likely do heavy weight with low reps; for example doing 6-10 sets of 5-8 reps per set would bulk you up in a fairly short amount of time. As opposed to you trying to get lean, strong and shredded; to get that well defined lean appearance you have to focus on light weights and doing high reps, for example 3-6 set of 10-15 reps per set. Doing such a workout regularly will keep a woman lean yet feminine not to mention the boost in self confidence. Being physically fit give you a good feeling the sense of physical proudness and we have not even begun to talk about the release of endorphins during and after a good set of squats; performing deadlift gives you a similar feeling which is unlike any other type of strenght training exercise except possibly the clean and jerk movement.

These are some of the most anabolical exercises know to man. They will make you physical strong, lean, and energetic more that any other strength building exercise. The point of this article is to tell that if you do these exercises: squats, deadlift, clean and jerk you will be on a physical level that most gym goers never get to. If you already do these exercises or some of these exercises you know exactly what I am speaking of. If you have never done these types of physical exercises, try them, and you will know too in time. Just remember to always check with your physician before starting any type of workout and start slowly and in no time you will be at a level you can really be proud of. I will cover other similar articles in the near future.