Truth About Abs – The 3 Most Effective Fat Burning Tips to Get a Flat Stomach Fast and Become Lean

weight lifting

Like most people I bet you are busy and have a lot of things to do. However if you want to lose fat and get a flat stomach at the same time you need to exercise and eat the right kind of foods at the right times. A major problem why most people can’t lose fat is that they are doing the same things over and over again. Mostly they are motivated but after months or even years and years of no meaningful results, or they see the same results, and then they “throw in the towel” and give up.

Let’s be honest if you want different results you will have to do things different. Eat like a cavemen You do not become fat because you are eating. You become fat by eating the wrong kind of foods. There is a lot of discussions on what to eat to lose fat fast. And in fact dozens of diets later and spending a small fortune of fat burning supplements you are still where you are today.

My first tip is eat only what cavemen’s could have been eaten. Fruits, veggies, fish, grains, lean meat and water. So ice creams, cookies, deep frozen meals are absolutely not allow, mainly because they are made in a factory and loaded with sodium and unwanted fat. You can drink coffee (but without sugar or milk) or drink fresh fruit juice. This may be considered extreme to you, but again there is no extreme results without extreme action. If it was easy everyone would be walking around with abs of steel. Is it attainable to get low body fat and rock hard abs? The answer is yes. Is it easy to get rock hard abs? The answer is No. It’s mostly a lifestyle choice.

Lift Those Weights

There are absolutely no excuses why you should not do weight lifting exercises regardless of your gender. Weight lifting benefits does not discriminate much when it comes to gender, yes men will become more muscular because they possess testosterone; but regardless women will become more muscular and burn a lot of body fat than if they only focused on cardio. Weight training is one of the best, if not the best exercise to get a super lean body. Weight lifting boosts your metabolic rate both short term and long term. With traditional cardio this effect only takes one or two hours. By the way if you do too much cardio you can lose lean muscle mass; and that is not a good thing. Remember muscles will give you lots of energy and it speeds up your metabolism and continues burning fat hours after your workout routine has ended.

Weight lifting increases your lean muscle mass so that gives your metabolism an extra boost as well. Rowing makes you super lean Most of the time people are spending almost their entire life on a treadmill or elliptical machine. To be honest most of the leanest people in the world do not use them. These machines are useful for strengthening your heart and other internal organs, and should be moderately incorporated into a solid weight training program; they are not bad and of course doing something is better than doing nothing, but you don’t need them as much or as long as you probably think you do.

There are a lot of alternatives you can do that will give you better and faster results when it comes to getting a lean body with a focus on your core muscles. One of them is my favorite and that is squats. Most gyms do have a squat machine but of course you can do it outdoors as well, it could be in a park or your back yard. You can squat with your body weight and get a deep muscle burn which produces results fast. Squat is the best exercise to burn major calories fast and lean up your overall body. Squat is up there with deadlift or clean and jerk. At the same time this is a true full body workout that trains all the entire muscle groups in your body including your abs. Try it more often! Pick up my workout program to give your body the jolt that is needed and kick it into 2nd gear.

Posted by: oswingrant on

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