The Healthy Benefits of Juicing


Our daily lives have become very unhealthy; and we tend to focus on fast foods and processed meals as a solution to save time in our hectic schedule. We do not get nearly enough vitamins and minerals into our bodies and this often leads to a variety of health issues. Juicing has become one of the best ways to ensure you get all the nutrition that your body needs; and it is a concentrated sources of essential vitamins and minerals that you consume on a daily basis.


There are so many delicious recipes to follow and you can treat a variety of diseases with a glass of freshly juiced fruits and veggies. There are a lot of juicing benefits for every individual, including all the important vitamins and minerals that our bodies need. It will help to fight infections and also protect us against health problems like diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Research has shown for example, that cabbage juice can help protect against stomach ulcers, and cherries can reduce gout and promote movement in all your joints. Cranberry juice can help to prevent urinary tract infections and also reduce the possibility of kidney stones. These are just a few examples of how powerful freshly juiced fruit and veggies are. It can definitely make a big impact on your health. A lot of people are under the impression that they can just buy bottled juices that are made ready-to-drink, but it is not quite so simple.


Bottled juices does not give your body nearly the same healthy benefits that freshly juiced ones do; and the main reason for this is that packaged goods contain a lot of fruit concentrates, not whole fruit juices. Packaged juices must also go through a pasteurization process before they can be put on the shelves, and this usually includes boiling the juice to prevent bacterial infections. When you boil the juice, it destroys a lot of the natural nutrients and therefore decreases the nutritional value that you get. This is why it is better and healthier to make your own juices at home. Citrus fruits also help to treat a lot of health problems and they are a very common choice for juicing. If you take grape juice for example; it contains Trans-resveratrol, which is believed to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis in patients of all ages. It can also reduce the risk of heart disease. Grapes contain antioxidants called Proanthocyanidins; which are located in the fruit’s pit. They contain a lot of Vitamin C and E; so juicing your grapes with their seeds is a very healthy way to go.

Juicing does not have to take up all your valuable time; you can make a glass of freshly juiced fruit or veggies in no time. It will quickly form part of your daily routine and you will notice the health benefits that it gives you in no time. Not only will you have more energy, but you will also reduce your chances of health problems and infections; all while boosting your vitality.

Juicing Benefits: 7 Key Benefits of Juicing

liquid veggie

Who Says There Aren’t Any Real Benefits Of Healthy Juicing



Taking care of yourself should be your number one priority. Many people have this goal but tend to let it slide, don’t drink water, don’t get 5 servings of fruit and 5 servings of vegetables a day. These same people find themselves tired all the time, fatigued, and they tend to get sick a lot more than their healthier peers. Many people don’t realize the absolute power that nutrition has on the body. It’s not just a suggestion, mother nature requires it! We tend to have no problem eating processed foods, soda, energy drinks, and a long list of other things that harm the body more than it helps- but when it comes to the things that would actually make us feel better- we lose all discipline. Why? Usually the reason is upbringing, lack of discipline, and more often than not, getting a nutritional education is something you have to seek out – it’s not just given to you in school (not in any detail anyway), and it’s not enforced unless you enforce it.


If you don’t like to eat 5 servings of vegetables a day, or you think 5 servings of fruit is a bit much (because you are not used to it likely), then there is an alternative way to go. You can condense all these servings into a few smoothie drinks and vegetable drinks a day using a juicer and in no time you’ll start to feel the real energy drink they don’t tell you about. Juicing can be a great deal of fun and with the various vegetables that are good for you (but you may not like) you can always cut it into another vegetable you do like that has a more lively flavor successfully covering up the taste of the one you don’t like and still getting the powerful nutrients it offers. Know you should have peas but hate the texture? Try mixing a handful of peas with some celery. Juices found in the store like V8, are good for you but they still contain preservatives.


Preservatives are responsible for a lot of obesity, unhealthy bodies, and more – bottom line, they don’t belong in our body so why would you put them in the food you put into your body? By purchasing fresh veggies and fruits and either eating them or making smoothie/vegetable juices from them, you not only save your body from the torture of preservatives and malnutrition – you also save a wad of cash over purchasing those things that aren’t good for you – regardless of how good they taste. Also remember, your health is the most important thing.




Juicing benefits are numerous, and can be helpful to just about everyone. The reality is that most Americans have horrible diets that do not meet the body’s nutritional requirements to function at its best. Sometimes bodies do not function properly at all due to poor quality nutrition. This leads to issues such as diabetes and heart problems. There is a way to improve your health by adding more fruits and vegetables. The easiest method to begin incorporating these good foods is through juice. The body absorbs nutrients from fruits and vegetables more quickly in liquid form than through solid. Juicing is the best way to jump start your path to a healthier self.


Benefits of Juicing: There are 7 key juicing benefits. Most of these benefits will be noticed quickly after beginning your juice program. Beneficial enzymes- Juicing is an efficient way to provide your body with helpful enzymes. Increase metabolic rate- It increases your metabolism which can aid in maintaining a healthy weight. Boost immune system- Antioxidants in juice can enhance your immune system, helping you to fight off diseases and reduce need for laser treatment for back hair. Anti-aging properties-The antioxidants also help to combat free radicals which cause your skin to age. Combat depression- Boosted mineral contents of magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, and folic acid can help alleviate symptoms of depression. Detoxification- Giving your digestive system a rest allows cells to repair themselves and detoxify. Cost efficiency-You will notice this one in your wallet right away. Juicing is more cost-effective than buying pre-bottled juices, plus it is healthy to juice fresh. Juicing for Weight Loss Juicing can be used to supplement any weight loss program.


Though long-term juice fasting is not recommended, you can do a juice fast in order to detoxify your body from all the junk you have consumed and jump start your weight loss program. Once you have detoxed, you will want to combine your juice regimen with other healthy foods including whole grains and lean proteins. Problems of Store-bought Juice You may wonder why you cannot simply drink store-bought juices to achieve these juicing benefits. Most all fruit juices are made from concentrate, which means the sugars are concentrated to increase the sweetness of the drink without adding artificial sugar. Fruit juices typically have around 24 grams of sugar per serving. This increased sugar content and use of preservatives and artificial components is reason enough to do your own juicing. Even V8 juice is made of juice from concentrate, and has added salt and MSG. Juicing is easy enough to do yourself, so do not settle for these unsatisfactory attempts at healthy juice.


Juice Recipes Much of juicing is simply trial and error. Mix some veggies together with some fruit and see how it tastes. For a less adventurous approach, you can take a look at the following tasty and healthy recipes for juice. Cucumber Celery Juice: 4 medium carrots, A¼ peeled cucumber, 1 celery stalk, 1 sliced apple, A½ peeled lemon. Apple Pineapple Ginger Juice: 1 cored and sliced apple, 1 cup fresh pineapple, A½ inch piece of ginger. Potassium Drink: 4 medium carrots, 1 celery stalk, 1 apple, 1 handful fresh parsley, 1 handful fresh spinach, A½ peeled lemon. Juicing is an easy, cost effective, and healthy way to insure that your body is receiving proper nutrients for optimum performance.


Juicing can help you to lose weight, get healthy, and feel good. These important juicing benefits can only be achieved through your own creative use of a juicer and fresh fruits and vegetables. Check out some of my books here for tons of tips on dieting and weight loss.

7 Things You Should Know Before You Start On Your Juicing Diet


Juicing is good for your Health; you should include juicing as part of your Diet. I’m sure you must have heard of this advice one time or more and you must be tempted to do as told, especially if you are having some kind of a health problem, be it a weak immune system with you falling sick frequently or simply thinking of shedding a few pounds through juicing. If that’s you, then I suppose the most burning question that you would like to ask is: “How should I get started?” Well, you would most likely be given the standard answer and that is: “Just buy some fruits and vegetables that you like and throw them right into the juicer, simple as that” “What? Is that all?” Yes, it’s easy but there’s more to it if you want to get started off right.


Here are 7 Tips to help you get started on Juicing in the right way


  1. Take on a gradual start


Don’t be too anxious and start off juicing all sorts of vegetables and fruits. Instead take a more gradual approach and start off with the fruits and vegetables that you like and then gradually add-on some vegetables that you don’t really fancy in increasing amount. This will allow time for your taste buds to be more accustom to the various tastes and in due time, you would get to like the taste of those vegetables that you don’t used to like previously. Also, it’s best to get started on milder vegetables like carrots, cucumber or celery first before adding in more powerful leafy green vegetables like kale, spinach, broccoli and cabbages which may tend to cause some bowel problems in some people. Also, add one vegetable in small amount at a time so that you would know whether your body can take it or not. If you add a mixture all at one go, it would be difficult to determine the “culprit” should you experience any adverse effects


  1. Avoid Consuming Too Many Fruit Juices


Fruit juices taste delicious and it is understandable that you would want to juice more fruits than vegetables. However, the sugar content in fruits is high and taking purely or high amount of fruit juices may lead to a sudden surge in your blood sugar level which is not the best thing for your health.


  1. Include a Variety of fruits and Vegetables


Chances are people tend to stick to their favorites fruits and vegetables but it is advisable that you should include more variety in your juicing diet to reap the maximum benefits. Different fruits or vegetables have different nutritional values and the only way to ensure that you get the best and a more balance intake of nutrition is to vary your choices of the produces that you juices. Try to include a variety from each color group for maximum benefit.


  1. Keep Fruits and Vegetables Separate


It’s best not to mix fruits and vegetables juices as they require different enzymes for digestion. Combining them together will create bad digestion and in turn affect your absorption of the nutrients. This contradicts your juicing purpose and is not something that you would want. The only exception is apples and carrots which have more of a neutral effect.


  1. Drink Your Juices soon After Extraction


Always make it a point to drink your extracted juices within 20 minutes of extraction. Juices left to stand unrefrigerated will be exposed to heat and oxygenation resulting in loss of vital nutrients. You can easily tell by looking at the color of juices. Freshly extracted juices have a bright color whereas juices left to stand for some time would appear dull and brownish.


  1. Juice Regularly


Once you get started on juicing, do it regularly to ensure that you reap the maximum benefits out of it. One way to encourage you to juice regularly is have your juicer always in sight to serves as a good reminder to you to juice. Juicing will do wonders for your overall well being.


  1. Last but not least; Get a Good Juicer


Find yourself a good juicer to meet your juicing needs. As you would be expecting to juice often, make sure you look for one that is lasting and one that comes with a good warranty period. Also you would want to look for one that is easy to assemble and clean after use as I wouldn’t expect that you would stayed interested should it takes hours for you to clean up the machine after each use.


Creating Juice Recipes for Fasting – What You Need to Know


If you are an experienced juicer or even someone who is looking to heal from a chronic disease or condition with the power of whole foods, you may have heard of juice fasting. Juice fasting is essentially a fast, or period of not eating solid food, in which only fresh fruit and/or vegetable juices (and water) are consumed. Proponents of juice fasting claim they are necessary on occasion to detoxify the body and restore health, and have proposed a variety of juice recipes for fasting that they believe to be especially suited to this purpose. If you are anything like the average person today, you have probably consumed a substantial amount of processed foods at some point in your life, and are likely exposed on an almost daily basis to harmful pollutants in the air you breathe, the water you drink, and even in the fruits and vegetables you eat. Now, your body is definitely able to eliminate many of these harmful substances through the normal channels, but its ability to do so slows with age, and not all of the toxins are easily eliminated. For example, heavy metals are often stored in fat cells, and the industrial byproduct sodium fluoride that finds its way into the water supply often accumulates in bone.


The fact that levels of toxic chemicals can build up in your body over time has important implications for your long-term health. Therefore, occasional juice fasts may be beneficial for those who suffer from certain forms of toxicity or who have trouble eliminating certain toxins. Even people who have had a long history of consuming fast food diets would likely benefit. Juice fasts allow your body to focus its energy on elimination of toxins since fresh juices are so easy to digest. In addition, certain vegetables, especially the dark green variety, contain compounds that are known to bind heavy metals and other toxins and thus facilitate their elimination. Commonly juiced fruits and vegetables used in recipes for juice fasting include kale (dark green), cabbage, carrots, celery, spinach, beets, apples, pineapples, and cranberries. Other leafy greens may be incorporated as well. Make sure to use organic produce to the extent possible and the freshest fruits and vegetables you can find, as these will be the most nutritious and contain the least amount of toxins such as pesticides and herbicides. Be sure to use a vegetable wash on any non-organic produce.


Here are a couple of simple juice fasting recipes to get you started:


Super-Cleanser 1 cucumber 4 celery sticks 3 handfuls of spinach 8 lettuce leaves water Fresh parsley and alfalfa sprouts can be added if more taste and detoxification if desired. Lemon-Ginger Cleanser 1 1-inch slice of fresh ginger root 1 whole lemon 6 carrots, including tops 1 apple water Before undertaking a juice fast, you may want to consult a health professional, as there are a few important pitfalls to be aware of. If you have any nutritional deficiencies, eating disorders, low blood sugar, low blood pressure, diabetes, or are on any prescription medications, this advice is especially true. Depending on the length of the juice fast, temporary side effects such as fatigue, low blood sugar, headaches, dizziness, hunger, diarrhea, and halitosis may occur.


If these symptoms become more serious as the juice fast continues, you should end the fast and consult with a qualified health professional immediately. Juice fasting is also not recommended for pregnant or nursing women or before or after surgical procedures, as the body may not cope well with a sudden change in the numbers and types of nutrients it is receiving It is advisable to conduct juice fasts for no longer than 3 days, since certain nutrient deficiencies, especially in calcium and protein, may occur with longer fasting periods. It is important to remember that juice fasting assists your body in reducing the stress of digestion and freeing up energy for elimination, but that all the nutrients your body needs will not be contained in the juices you’re drinking. Therefore, be sure to take it slow, keep it to a short duration, and stop if you are experience significant discomfort or other serious symptoms. If you are considering doing a juice fast, make sure to avoid processed foods, but especially at least seven days before and after the fast. If you find that the juice itself is not enough to sustain you, stick to whole foods as necessary to get you through. With a diet consisting of juicing recipes you can always incorporate whole food when the juice itself is not sustaining you fully.


You’ll generally want to consume somewhere between 32 and 64 ounces of fresh juice per day, depending on your body size and metabolism. You’ll be receiving most of the important nutrients your body needs while still cleansing your system. Hopefully, this article has given you some things to think about regarding juice fasting so you can determine if it is right for you. Remember to do your own due diligence ahead of time and go easy on the juice fasting, especially if you are looking to do it for the first time. Additionally, it is never a bad idea to consult a health care professional you trust to get a second opinion before you start.

Juicing Recipes For Fasting

Juicy Jamboree – 4 Quickie Health Boosting Juice Recipes!




Juicing recipes for fasting can give you a big boost in weight loss. When it comes to making your own fruit or vegetable juice at home, it goes without saying that in order to maximize the nutritional value of the drink it really is important to ensure that only the freshest ingredients are used and I would recommend organic if you have the choice. You should only make juice that you are going to use straight away as leaving it stored in a fridge for instance for any length of time will degrade the juice and it will not provide you with the same level of goodness or nutrients. If you are in the lucky position of being able to grow your own produce with which to make your juice then that really is the best possible option however, most people are not able to do this and therefore have to rely on buying their fruit and vegetables from a shop. In this case you should always do your best to avoid damaged or overripe produce.


If you live in a place where it is difficult to get hold of fresh fruit and vegetables try to locate a health food shop which carries an organic, unsweetened ready made juice. The juices I have included below will require the use of a juicer or a blender. As I am sure you are probably aware, the difference between these two items, is one removes the juice from the fruit/vegetable leaving behind the solid bits while the other liquidizes the whole lot. This being the case, if you are going to use the blender, depending on the fruit/vegetable you are using, you may need to peel and de-seed etc. If you do not have a juicer you can get round this by adding a glass of water then blending the ingredients together, after which you can pour the juice through a piece of muslin or a sieve to remove the solids. Juice is usually nicer when served cold so it is a good idea to pour it into a glass which has had crushed ice added to it.


With vegetable juice it is always nice to add a bit of salt and pepper for a little extra zing. I have included four juicing recipes, two fruit and two vegetable, for you to consider. They are all really quite simple and easy to make so I hope you will enjoy trying them out. My first recipe is for mango juice, this is my favorite as I was born and grew up in the West Indies and mangoes were almost part of my daily diet. This juice always brings back wonderful memories of sun, sea and sand and a carefree childhood spent mostly on the beach.


Mango Juice Frappe

2 Medium sized mangoes 2Tbs of orange blossom water Ice cubes made with chamomile tea Remove the skin with a knife and then cut the flesh away from the seed/stone of the mango. Blend together the mango flesh, the orange blossom water and the ice cubes until the ice is thoroughly crushed then serve.


Pineapple Panacea

50ml Pineapple Juice 100ml Soya Milk 1Tsp Grated Coconut Sweetener/Sugar to taste Blend the pineapple, soya and coconut together once well blended add the sweetener, pour into glass containing ice and serve.


The Triple C Blast Off

1/2 Red or White Cabbage 4 Roughly Chopped Carrots 5 Roughly Chopped Celery Sticks 1/2 Red Onion Water Season with Salt and Pepper 1Tsp Lemon Juice Juice the vegetables then add a little water to reduce the consistency; add salt, pepper and lemon juice. Serve this one Hot or Cold to suit the mood.


Lettuce Heart with Cucumber Combo

2 Medium Sized Cucumbers 1 Lettuce Heart Juice the ingredients together then serve. Note: In regard to the above recipes; due to it being hard to guess the amount of juice individual fruits will provide; you may have to adjust the number of fruit/vegetables in the recipes above, depending on their liquid content. Riper fruit often yield more juice but are not always as nutrient rich as their younger counterparts.


To conclude, I would like to remind readers that juicing is an excellent way of ensuring that we get our recommended daily portions of fruit and vegetables. Especially, for those of you, who, like me, do not really enjoy eating vegetables. It seems that by turning them into juice makes them much more attractive as well as easier to consume. Also check out some of my books online here for more tips.


Juice Fasting – A Natural Way to Lose Weight




Fast weight loss by just replacing your normal solid foods with water, fruit juices, and vegetable juices for two to three days. So simple I think. Juice fasting is a simple way of detoxifying your body with water, fresh vegetable and fruit liquor. Fruit juices are recommended not only for cutting down weight but also for the general health of the body as it is a rich source of vitamins and minerals required for healthy living. Different types of fruits and vegetable drinks are recommended in diets for fast and healthy weight loss. Vegetable juice helps you get your body detoxified and when taking before each meal helps to control your appetite. Parsley and carrot juices are required for the maintenance of blood sugar level as they also increase your vitamin consumption. Cucumber asparagus and celery are helpful fruits drinks for healthy weight loss. Fruits and vegetables contains low fats and calories, therefore it is better to replace solid foods with fresh fruits and vegetables juices in order to gain quick weight loss. Species like pepper, cinnamon, chili powder, onion powder, garlic powder, cumin and cardamom can also be added to the drink to enhance the fat burning process. Juice can be prepared either from a single fruit or a blend of fresh fruits and vegetables with the use of mixer or juicing machines.


Some juice recipes available for weight loss include:

#1. Jogger’s Paradise: This recipe requires a small yam, 2 hard pears and 3 oranges. The diet is perfect for strength and endurance needed for joggers.

#2. Papaya Passion: papaya passion requires 1 medium papaya,5 pitted dates and 1 red apple served fresh after blending.

#3. A Taste of Heaven: The juice is prepared from 2 carrots, 2 apples, 1 sweet potato as well as pinch dulse powder. After blending, decorate the juice with a little slice of Spanish onion.

#4. Strawberry Delight: The strawberry delight juice demands the mixture of 4-8 strawberries, 8-10 dates, and 1-2 bananas.

#5. Calcium Drink Recipe: prepare this liquor with 3 medium carrots, A½ cup fresh broccoli pieces, 1 apple, and A½ lemons as well as small fresh parsley.

#6. Potassium Drink: This refreshing juice is prepared by blending together 1 stalk of celery, 4 medium carrots, a handful of fresh spinach and fresh parsley as well as A½ lemons.


These fruit diets when prepared well and served fresh serve as effective remedies for weight loss. Conditions necessary for effective Juice fasting for weight loss. Juice fasting for weight loss demands that dieter should reduce the consumption of certain solid foods for 7 days before the fast for a quicker weight loss. Juices should be drank regularly with an average consumption of 62 ounces each day for about 3 days.


delicious orange juice

Typical vegetables and fruits like apple, orange, carrots, spinach, etc. are practical choices for juicing recipes; as well as 6 glasses of water should also be taking to support the juice for quicker and healthier weight loss. Better fruit juice is gotten from the combination of fruits and vegetables. Those who cannot strictly be on juice diet alone can take a meal in a day. Juice fasting is not recommended for people with special health conditions like pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, those suffering from diabetes, low blood sugar etc. Despite the fact that juice fasting is very good it also has some side effects such as constipation, acne, headaches hypoglycemia, tiredness, fainting, dizziness, low blood pressure etc. In spite of the above probable side effects, well and fresh served juice from vegetables, fruits or both is very effective for fast weight loss. Its relevance is numerous, not only for weight loss but also for the general health of the body. So get to juicing for weight loss. Check out some of my books for more juicing recipes tips!