Improve Your Fitness With a Healthy Diet


Eating healthy food not only improves our fitness level, but also brings about a feeling of general well being. Our body feels lighter, we feel more energetic, and diseases are kept at bay which is the way to live life to the fullest. What more reasons do we want for switching to a healthy diet plan? Every part of the body requires different nutrients and this is the basic of eating healthy. Overall, we require more than 40 kinds of nutrients for growth and development. Obviously, not all these nutrients can be obtained from a single food group if you plan on eating healthy. We have to incorporate a variety of foods into our diet. These can broadly be categorized into five food groups: fruits, vegetables, cereals, poultry and fish, and dairy products.


Eating across the food groups ensures that we get the required amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, and minerals. What kind of a diet we follow depends on certain factors such as age, sex, and the kind of activity we engage in daily. The requirements of a teenage boy will differ from those an elderly man. A sportsman will require a different diet from say, an office worker. A college going girl will have different requirements than a housewife, and so on. But in all cases, there are certain basic requirements that have to be met. Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt are rich sources of calcium that aid bone development. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and nutrients. They are also good for our skin, eyes and hair. Cereals and pulses provide us with protein, which is the building block of cells for healthy eating. They also help in the development of muscle mass.


Always drink lots of water, as water cleanses our body and flushes out toxins. It is also known to boost metabolism and helps us digest food faster. Moreover, if we drink lots of water, it will make us feel full, and therefore, make us limit our food intake. Shift from flour bread to whole wheat or brown bread. Oatmeal is also a very good eating healthy option. It consists of carbohydrates and fat soluble fibers that fight cholesterol and give us energy. Soups are very healthy because they are the perfect combination of solids and liquids. It nourishes us and is a good snack before meals. Kids hate broccoli, but this vegetable is a good source of calcium and vitamin C and have to fight off certain cancers. Vitamin C helps our body absorb calcium and also has certain phytochemicals that are important for our immune system, which fights the onslaught of diseases.


Adopt a balanced diet plan to make yourself fitter and stronger. Weight loss should not be your only goal, but should be a byproduct of our aim to become fit. Eat right and exercise well- this is the mantra and big part of eating healthy and living well. Eating healthy requires focus and paying attention to the food you are putting on your plate and into your stomach. Don’t be fooled by advertisements that promise a thinner waistline in just 15 days; instead, choose a diet plan that will make your body strong by eating healthy. Do not let your body suffer the consequences of short term goals. If your body is weak, you will fall prey to many lifestyle diseases.


Always incorporate exercise into your lifestyle. Exercise and dieting will work wonders. Exercise can be anything that elevates your heart rate for at least 20 minutes at a time, that is done at least 3 times per week. Exercise for you might be running, walking, running, or doing exercises that you would do at a gym. Whatever you choose to do as your exercise make sure you stick to a regular routine of working out because will do wonders to your body, mind and soul.

Check out some of the exercises that are below that I enjoy doing from time to time, along with other exercise. They will help to firm and tone your body, and give you tons of energy to do the things that you need to do daily; not to mention all the health benefits you get from exercising and the physical improvements to your overall appearance.


Always check with your physician before starting any exercise program. Check to make sure that you are healthy enough to engage in physical exercise first. Now if you’re already exercising or have been exercising then jump right in and incorporate some of these exercises into your workout plan and eating healthy plan.


These exercises I’ll cover will primarily be for the mid-section. As you may already know the midsection is one of the hardest body part to train, it takes the longest to see results and the results from your hard work can disappear rather quickly if you revert back to not exercising and eating poorly. The midsection has to be trained fairly regularly along with eating the right type of low-fat food to maintain a flat stomach, or else it will be as if you had never even trained it prior. So dedication, dedication, and dedication.

There are tons of exercises, these are just a few of them to get you started on trimming the fat off your stomach. Also, be aware that you can’t lose fat in just one section of your body only. Weight loss will take place over your entire body when you diet and exercise. However, you can emphasize the results of some areas a bit more, but your overall body will lose weight not just your hips, thighs or stomach. Your can sculpt your body and manipulate the results greatly based on the exercises and frequency that you choose to do. With that in mind you can practically build your dream body gradually.

Posted by: oswingrant on

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