Six Pack Workout

six pack workout

How Research-Backed Six Pack Workout Can Re-Awaken The Giant In You,
The right six pack workout not only brings you the immediate visual advantages of rippled muscles but also improves your posture, enhances your sporting performance and increases the basal metabolic rate (BMR). According to a report released in 2006 by ABC News, ripped abs are universally attractive. Both genders rate six packs highly as a form of sexual attraction, and as such it comes in handy as a weapon in your arsenal in the dating game.
Getting a six pack ab is however not as easy as you think. Forget about all the shortcut methods for a moment. The secret to achieving long-term results lies in sweating it out in the gym.
1.Workout To Develop Upper and Lower Rectus Abdominis

This is best achieved by squeezing the ab muscles allowing them to crunch together and then systematically releasing and slowly returning to a rest position.

2.Shaping the External Obliques, Pectineus, Intercostals

This can be achieved by slightly twisting the torso over one side as far as possible. A medicine ball comes in handy as you bring it towards the floor in the opposite direction of your twisted torso, pause for a moment, and then repeat the movement alternating side to side.
3.The rollout

To keep the six packs firmly in place, you may need an ab wheel rollout that allows you to squeeze your abs as you push your hips back toward and from the starting position.
Of course, that is a non-exhaustive list of what a good six pack workout entails. And the benefits are obvious, a bigger mass of lean muscle is achieved making it possible to burn calories all day long. Core muscles are built, thereby boosting your performance, as recommended by the Harvard Medical School. Best of all, by strengthening your ab muscles, this workout improves your balance and helps you make everyday movements easier.
Has the dream of achieving  seriously ripped abs been evading you as of late? You don’t need to worry anymore. Just find the right six pack workout, give it your best and you will start to see the results in a few weeks.

Calorie Burned Calculator Devices






Get Yours




Fitbit Flex

This water resistant calories burned calculator tracks your calories in style. There are many colors and brands of the Fitbit, even a Tory Burch wristband attachment.

When you are getting closer and closer toward your goals throughout the day, the LED lights from the device will light up in celebration of the close victory.

If you want to take a swim to get in shape there is no need to take off the flex as it is water resistant.

$99.99/Shipping Including


The current sold out Amiigo activity tracker has two sensors on the device. The second sensor was added to keep better track of multiple areas. The wristband sensor records upper body activity, while the shoe clip sensor records lower body activity.

The calculator is quite advanced. It records calories burned, but also tracks heart rate, blood oxygen saturation, skin temperature range, and pulse volume variations.

In addition, the Amiigo recognizes the activity you are doing at the time as well. While you are swimming, the Amiigo keeps track of how many stokes and laps are done. Not only that, but it will notice the style of swimming you are doing as well. If you decide to do the butterfly stroke, the amigo will pick up on that. It will recognize the backstroke, freestyle and breaststroke.

When at the gym, this device recognizes the type of lighting you are doing, whether you are doing bicep curls or rowing. It also picks up on the amount of weight you are lifting or pressing.

Put your device on your show before you go to cycling class and the device you duration, endurance, etc.


Fitbug Orb

This is a calorie counter and sleep tracker all in one. The device promises to get you moving more, sleeping better and eating better.

Fitbug Orb comes with a digital coach. Along with tracking you calories burned, Fitbug’s digital coach give its users encouraging messages in order to keep going. Phrases like “Nice work!” and even personalized messages like “Well done Sam!” are used when you have reached a fitness goal. Walking steps are tracked and aerobic steps as well.

The device and the digital coach show the user a scale of calories consumed. Throughout the day, the scale will change colors the closer the user gets to the caloric intake goal.

Fitbug Orb believes that proper sleep is a huge part of reaching fitness goals. So the device will let users know if they have reached the amount of sleep or if they are sleep deprived.

Way To Burn More Calories Walking

Lose Fat Now



In today’s fast paced lifestyle when most of us are struggling time between office, home and family, taking time out for a regular gym activity may not be possible for everyone. For those who are not ready to start regimented workouts due to any reason, walking is the best exercise. It is a low impact exercise that can be managed well even with a hectic schedule. This form of aerobic exercise raises your heart rate in to different zones most appropriate for weight loss and fitness. To improve the effectiveness of calories burned during walking, keep the below mentioned tips in mind.
Ways to burn more calories walking-

Maintain the right posture- Any form of exercise requires right technique to improve its effectiveness. Similarly, while walking, you need to maintain an upright posture; engaging your abs, pumping your arms and keeping your shoulders over your hip. Swing your arms at an 90-degree angle to walk faster. This will also utilize most of the muscle groups and rev up the calories burned while walking by 15 percent.

Gradually pick up your pace- The best way to do a walk is to start easy. Do a five-minute slow walk to warm up, and the pick up your pace to increase calorie burnout. Walking faster boosts calorie burn and help you lose weight fast.

Vary your steps- Another way to turn your walking into an effective workout is by adding variety in your walk. This can be done by changing up your stride and steps, sneaking in some speed by brisk walking and going for an incline. You can also walk on your toes or heels or do walking lunges to increase calorie workout and strengthen the leg muscles. Your fitness level will gradually increase with practice. 

Find some walking buddies- Last but not the least; find a walking partner and add friendly competition to your walk routine, you spouse might be the right person. However, you need to make sure that your walk does not become a stroll. Maintain the pace and turn your intervals into a game to keep walking fun and interesting. Try different walking paths and trails to avoid monotony and add variety to your walking routine.

Fitness is something you can’t ignore and it should be part of your daily routine. Walking offers you a great way to burn calories and stay fit and healthy. You can experiment with the above mentioned tips and create a walking routine that is best suited for your fitness goals.