Are Free Weights Better Than Exercise Machines

fitness help

Tips On Free Weights Vs Exercise Machines



It is one of the most preliminary questions that will arise as soon as you begin your weight training workouts, free weights or machine weights? Know certain facts before you choose as there are pros and cons in both the cases. Make sure to decide according to your requirements, personal preferences, and thorough understanding of the free and machine weights. But it is an undeniable fact that both can help you tone up your muscles and also increase your muscle strength.


Machine Weights – Advantages: If you are a beginner then there can be no better option that trying them because they are easy to handle, safer to use, and most importantly, will help you in learning the basics of strength training movements. With Them, you can feel at ease about your posture and movements for lifting unlike in the case of the free weights which can be difficult to maintain.


The goodness of lifting free weights can be realized when your muscles are tired and you are unable to use the free weights. Moreover, you can effectively isolate the specific muscle groups if you practice weight training workouts with the machine weights. Changing the resistance will not be a tough task with the weights, thanks to the simple keying or pin insertions into the numbered pounds your desire for adjusting resistance.


Disadvantages: The stabilizer muscles of your body have little chances to work as the machine takes care of most of the balancing. In most of the cases, machine weights are good only for any one type of workout. If you are a person who is taller or shorter than normal then using the machine weights will not be very comfortable to you.


Free Weights – Advantages: All your natural movement patterns are brilliantly possible with free weights and your stabilizer muscles get to work to their best to achieve balance. The number of exercises that are possible with these weights are endless; as with every new position you can practice a new weight lifting workout and this will help you concentrate on various muscle groups as per your choice.

There are literally no limitations while working out with these weights which are much unlike the machine weights which are pre-defined for specific movements. Last but not the least; these weights are much portable and easy to store when compared to the bulky machine weights. The cost factor also is in favor of the free weights. If you have other questions please feel free to see some great choices below that I will leave.


Just to recap. Deciding whether to use free weights or machine weights is purely a personal choice, but there is an order that makes more sense. Therefore, if you are brand new to resistance training or if you are inexperienced, machines are generally better for you. The natural order for a beginner wanting to build up muscle mass or someone wanting to become leaner by including resistance training, it is best to start out with workout machines first before progressing onto free weights.  That is the most common and logical order from a starting position. However, you don’t necessarily have to take that exact route and still end up accomplishing your fitness goal.