Lose The Pounds – A 7 Day Planning
Have you ever wish that you could just start a diet plan without ever knowing the semantics, logistics, or even how the human body gets rid of stubborn fat? Well, of course you would be thinking now about, “How I wish that was true.” But you need to understand how people tend to overcomplicate things when it comes to a thing like weight loss. In order for you to lose the pounds, you are going to have to believe that it can be done as easy as a 7 day planning. KISS – Keep it short and simple and you’ll see those pounds start flying off.
Here are a few tips you can use to generate a 7 day partition for your weekly diet plan: What helps in planning?
A SCHEDULE of course, I simply cannot emphasize more on the importance of having a schedule… and make sure it’s a PHYSICAL ONE. No digital posting on your computer desktop or handy mobile software installed on your smart phones (well, maybe for convenience sake). This schedule has got to be real, like how your desire is to lose the pounds. If your actions do not reflect your intension, or even the other way around, you’re bound to fail sooner or later. So, do it today. You can either draw it by hand, or use your computer to draft out a 7 day schedule and then print it out. Post it on your wall, and look at it EVERYDAY.
A checklist to KNOW YOU’VE DONE IT
Each time you’ve completed a diet task for that day, simply tick the entry to represent your accomplishment. It could be simple things like: Drink 8 glasses of water… DONE! Create a healthy chicken dressing for lunch… DONE! Get all unhealthy foods into the trash… DONE! And so on. It is critically important that you do not GET LAZY HERE. This is the only way you can know if you’re following through on your plan. Trust me, it’s not that hard. Keep reminding yourself that you want to lose the pounds, and eventually come back to this checklist to mark your accomplishment.
Now I know what you guys are thinking, “Finally, I can have that cheeseburger.” Definitely NOT. You don’t want to think like that. You should throw that mentality out the window when you first created this diet plan. This day was meant to reward you for your effort of following through the day-by-day ‘lose the pounds” course you’ve set up for yourself. The ideal way to reward yourself is to choose one thing that you would love to do… and DO IT for that day. It is not a ‘must’ to make it related to dieting or food. If you wish to however, go out and have a healthy dinner (note the word “healthy” here). Now Here’s The Deal
Try Out These Weight Loss Solutions and Forget Starving
When you make a diet plan, the hardest part is sticking with it. You might think it is easy to follow a plan that you have formulated but when it comes to execution, you would come to know how difficult it is because of the number of days you keep postponing before you actually start the diet. This is why do not wait for the 1st of a month or January 1st to start your plan. Whichever day you decide to start your diet, you should start it immediately so that you rule out the chance for procrastination. Once that is understood, be sure to make a diet plan that is practicable. Do not make one that is too ambitious. If your diet is too ambitious, you will end up doing very little of it or the amount that you do achieve seems like a very small amount compared to the high goals that you have set up. This discourages you and you feel like giving up something that does not bring any tangible benefit despite your concentrated efforts. Do not be greedy in what you want to achieve. At least, do not try to achieve everything overnight. You can make goals spanning a long duration and get stricter with yourself as time passes. This way you feel more encouraged as your surpass each level of difficulty. This would further motivate you to get further ahead in your unique set of weight loss solutions. Try to join a group of equally motivated individuals, but do not be under the impression that the more you have the merrier your gathering will be. Try to find out whether they are as motivated as you are to shed weight, or are just looking to whine and nag about their health problems without putting in any efforts. The easiest way is to get together with like-minded individuals from probably the same age group. You can also involve kids. But people who encourage you to be lazy are a big no-no in this kind of a group.
Once you have a diet plan and the right kind of group to practice it with, make a resolution that you will also keep up an exercise regimen and the diet plan and work for it sincerely. This involves following some rules in order to lose the pounds. When you begin to feel hungry, make sure that it is hunger first. It is possible that you might be interpreting as hunger what could actually be thirst. And if it is thirst, do not go for sodas or anything alcoholic. Alcohol increases dehydration and makes you thirstier, so it becomes a cycle. Instead, stick to plain water or freshly squeezed fruit juice. This gives you the vital amino acids, folic acids and vitamins and also satisfies your cravings for a while without adding calories. This is why lacto-based drinks are also not encouraged – they add calories. Do not eat in front of the TV as your attention is diverted and you cannot keep track of how much you eat. It might actually make you eat more; because you do not realize that you have already eaten more than what is good for you. Next, try to add soup to your meal as the first course. Load up on it and it gives you the feeling of having a full stomach which help a lot when it comes to losing the pounds. This makes you go light on the main course. You can top this off with a salad (no dressing, please) which is again good for you. These are weight loss solutions that can be inculcated into your daily life and make you feel good about yourself too.
Those are just some of the many weight loss tips available, they might not work for everyone so feel free to read other articles that might sound like a better fit for you. Like many other things in life, weight loss is a mental game; you have to be mentally prepared for weight loss if you want to succeed for long. Check back for regular articles related to diet and exercise that is geared at helping you to lose the pounds. Good Luck!