What Obesity Really Does To You

The problem with obesity extends beyond the superficial; the outer appearance. What matters even more is that the individual’s social fabric is broken as the mental and spiritual state inside deteriorates. Imagine you are out having fun with your friends. You noticed a cute guy/girl, you established eye contact, only to be rejected because of your physical appearance. It’s not fair and certainly your uniqueness and character isn’t at fault.

You haven’t even spoken yet! But living in this fast paced world at break-neck speed, one makes judgments in split seconds and because first impression matters, obesity diminishes chance encounters. Next week, your parents from aboard comes for a visit. It’s been 2 yrs since you last saw them and you have “expanded”. Anxiety rises. They approached closer and closer. You can see the shock on their faces. Next comes the killer line – “Oh my god! What happened to you? Did a hippo get in there?” Ok, I’m being too harsh with my words, but you know what I mean. How would you feel? How would you respond? That you are lazy? That there’s nothing you can do about it? Aren’t they merely excuses? It’s bad enough not to acknowledge the state of your present body, it’s even worse to go on living under the shadows of obesity most of us already know the dangers of obesity.

We already know the ill effects of obesity on our health. The problem is most of us choose to be in a state of denial. It’s bad enough not to acknowledge the state of your present body, it’s even worse to go on living under the shadows of obesity and the resulting side-effects it does to your soul, to your well-being, to your lifestyle and to your confidence. Looking good comes first from feeling good, feeling good inside comes from a renewed sense of pride, purpose, drive, satisfaction and love. Let no obesity plunge you into the depth of despair. Let us make a pledge to rid obesity starting with ourselves today.

Perform Stomach Toning Exercises

For you to possess a perfectly toned body, you have to tone all the muscles in the body including the stomach. It is important that you also diet while you are performing stomach toning exercises because those excess calories will go straight to the most common storage area, which are the adipose tissues in the stomach.

What are the stomach toning exercises that you could perform? Pelvic muscles exercises these workouts involve thrusting the hips upward while lying flat on the floor. Your knees should be bent and steady. You can do this daily, increasing the number of routines that you can perform. Standing crossover Called crossovers, these stomach toning routines involve touching your right elbow with your left leg while you are in a standing position. You could do this to the opposite side, left elbow with your right leg. These tone up the muscles in the abs and tighten them. They also tone muscles of the legs and arms.

Abs exercise balls, you can use exercise balls in your routine workout; you could use the ball for a rolling workout. Be creative and use the ab ball to perform several routines by modifying your exercises. Cardio routines Workouts that increase blood circulation, heart rate, and respiration and pulse rate are generally considered cardio exercises. Examples of these are jogging, hiking, swimming, and brisk walking, playing tennis or badminton and many more.

Stomach toning exercises should include cardio routines to be fully successful. These routines are some of the many stomach toning exercises that you could adapt. Regularity and persistence will help you achieve your goal and allow anyone to help lose weight and maintain a healthy body mass index. A healthy lifestyle will also help you enjoy a great body with highly toned muscles. If you continue with your workouts, you will develop strong stomach muscles that can truly withstand any test of stamina and strength, not to mention this will also help you lose a few extra pounds.

Posted by: oswingrant on

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