Forbidden Weight Loss Techniques

Hello my friend, if your reading this then you, like many, are searching for an effective way to lose weight the safe, effective, and easiest way possible without it costing you an arm and leg – just as I was. Before I reveal the techniques that other diets don’t want you to know let me tell you my story. I was a struggling single father who found it very stressful to raise a new born, go to school, work at a full time job and find time to work out.

After about four months I noticed I’d gained 21 pounds and my weight gain was still on the rise. I couldn’t button up my pants and had to stretch out my shirts so they would cover my new larger body. I decided that I needed help, but I didn’t have a lot of money to spend on a trainer regularly. I was searching for products and comparing multiple programs when a co-worker suggested I check out the truth about abs. I then explained to him I didn’t very much time or money to put into this, then he asked me what I was going to have for dinner that night, and I told him I will probably get some take out, and he explained to me that for the same price of a large pizza I can change my life. I needed a good program to get back to my old self of being in shape.

So I thought about it throughout the day and decided to give it a try. I went the website and read the testimonials but I don’t normally trust testimonials, I mean come on what site is going to put anything but good words about their product on it? I did some research on the web and found that there wasn’t really anything but good reviews. I purchased the product and followed the program and after 5 months I am 200lbs pounds and loving it. I have created a somewhat similar programs, here is a good one.

I feel better and have 10 times the energy for my child and best of all it didn’t take hours at the gym, I was able to do everything right at my own home; even though I went to the gym when I felt like it I often worked out at home when I just needed a quick workout without driving a few miles to the gym. The program taught me to eat better, that way I could actually burn fat with the different food I ate. I highly recommend any type of good product, workout out program or a combination of the two that does not involve pills, or hours of cardio.  If you don’t already know it, cardio alone for very long periods of time will eat away at all your hard earned muscle tissue and as we all know muscles play a vital role is the fat burning process.

Muscles naturally speeds up your metabolism, burns fat faster even hours after you have worked out your muscles will continue to burn calories and melt away fat in increments. Cardio is good for your cardiovascular system in moderation. I usually perform about 15-20 minutes of cardio on the days that I workout. I will not be one of those guys doing a cardio for 90 minutes, it will deplete your muscles substantially over time. Lower muscle to fat percentage will helps to create more fat. It’s much better to strive to become leaner by incorporating some resistance training in all of your workout programs. Resistance training is the only thing to constantly improve or maintain muscle mass and leanness; It is a vital part of maintaining a lean body, always incorporate weight training when you workout even if it is just your body weight. It makes a huge difference. Feel free to join my facebook group here.

Think It’s Hard To Lose Belly Fat? Think Again!

Weight loss is one of those things that most people in modern society are interested in – as the majority of people in modern society would admit that they are not especially happy with their weight; even more than “weight loss,” however, most people are interested in looking the way they want to look – and when it comes to “looking the way they want to look,” this often entails figuring out a way to get rid of that unsightly belly fat that has seemed to stick around no matter what they do. If you have considered getting weight loss surgery check out MGB Treatment Webinar for more information.

Of course, if “conventional wisdom” is what you choose to follow, the first thing you are probably going to try to do in order to lose belly fat is start eating lots of fat free foods and start doing a bunch of crunches and sit-ups; if you have ever tried this before, however, you have probably discovered that this does not completely work for you , and you may even have wondered whether you have the ability to lose that belly fat – but what you probably failed to realize is that you were taking the wrong approach altogether! On the one hand, doing crunches and sit-ups will certainly make your abdominal muscles stronger, and may even give you that six pack that so many people try to get, but crunches and sit-ups will not get rid of belly fat, which means no one will see these great abs, as they will be buried under fat; rather than spending so much time on the floor “working out your abs,” it will be much more beneficial for you to simply keep yourself active – going for walks, going for bike rides, jogging, swimming, incorporating resistance training especially compound exercises such as squats, deadlift, clean and jerk, and also doing other things you enjoy that will get you outside and get your body moving.

Another thing to be aware of is the fact that “eating lots of fat free foods,” or even “eating less,” really is not going to help you burn belly fat any better than doing nothing at all; the main thing you need to understand is the foods that contribute to weight gain, and the foods that contribute to fat burning, as an understanding of exactly what these foods are will enable you to incorporate the right type of eating into your diet – eating that will cause you naturally and effortlessly lose weight!

You may have reached a point where you thought it was not even possible for you to lose that weight you have been trying to lose, and to look the way you want to look – but this is not correct at all; you absolutely have the ability to get that figure you want to have, and once you take the time to learn more about the things you can do to make that happen, the more likely you will be to reach your goals, since there are different methods you can use like coolsculpt treatments in different clinics and of course the use of exercise.

The key to weight loss and a healthy life style is to make exercise automatic. Don’t engage in a lifestyle that does not incorporate regular activity, a.k.a exercise, several times a week. Exercise does not have to mean exercise that you would perform traditionally. Not like the exercise you dress up for by putting on your exercise gear and heading out to your local gym; even that would not hurt; but regular exercise can be anything that includes activity that elevates one’s heart rate for a sustainable amount of time such as 30 minutes several times a week. It’s choosing to live an active lifestyle and eating responsibly long term that will give you the results you so desire. You will not get in shape overnight, just like your weight gain did not take place overnight, it’s a compounding effect of doing the wrong or right things that leads to you being in or out of shape or being the ideal weight or not being the ideal weight. If you’ve tried everything to remove stubborn fat, CoolSculpting is the solution you’ve been searching for as suggested by these guys.

Take it one day at a time and you will gradually work down to or up to the desired body weight you seek with regular diet and exercise. It is really that simple. Have a goal of what you seek for your health and appearance in your mind and plot the exercises you want to use to get to your ideal health goal. You can do it, anyone can get the body they seek with a good plan, diet and taking action!

Resistance training is often overlooked when it comes to weight loss and acquiring a lean body, include resistance training it will always speed up the process tremendously leading up to you getting a firm body. Do not focus on how hard it is to perform resistance training, especially compound exercises that most people shy away from; but like my old physical trainer use to tell me think about how good your body will feel once the exercises you doing are finally finished and I have fully recovered. And I must say it’s a really good feeling to pound your body hard with resistance training and then you recover a few days later. The best feeling in the world, very addictive in a good way.  

This is Weight Loss Tips 101


Secrets of Successful Weight Loss Programs

These weight loss tips are listed in random order. They’re not necessarily taken out from one single weight loss plan but these tips are proven to work on many people. Follow these tips and reap the reward of having a lean, hard, sexy and healthy body.

5-6 Small Meals Every Day

The standard meal schedule is three times a day but if you want optimum weight loss results, it’s highly suggested to alter your 3-times-a-day schedule and expand it to small meals taken 5 to 6 times a day. This is a true weight loss tip. 

Eating small, frequent meals will help you maintain your blood sugar levels and stabilize your moods. It makes you less susceptible to cravings and makes you more functional during the day because your body has an adequate amount of calories it needs to function. Focus on eating healthy low calorie meal and this will speed up your metabolism tremendously. 

Different systems are incidentally utilized to briefly or forever adjust the body shapers for women. The most common fuse is slimming down and exercise. Now and again engineered gadgets are utilized, or they take these supplements to reuse weight or surgery is used. Bosom volume can be falsely expanded or diminished. Falsies, breast prostheses or cushioned bras may be used to enlarge the evident size of a lady’s breasts while minimizer bras may be utilized to reduce the distinct size. Bosoms can be surgically broadened by a method for bosom embeds or reduced by the deliberate evacuation of parts of the breasts. An extraordinary endeavors have been prepared to reduce a lady’s waistline. The usage of boned bodices, for instance, was polished for a few centuries.

The girdle came to its peak amid the Victorian time. In twentieth century, these bodices were overall supplanted with more adaptable/comfortable establishment articles of clothing. Where bodices are utilized for waste reduction, it might be a brief reduction by incidental utilization or perpetual reduction by individuals who are regularly referred to as tight-lacers. Liposuction and the shiny new and improved technique lip sculpture are standard surgical routines for reducing the waistline. If you’re interested in procedures like this, you can check out these fat freezing machine reviews. You can read a lot more here about how this can help you loss weight. Cushioned control briefs or hip and cheek cushioning may be utilized to build the evident size of hips and hindquarters. Cheek increase surgery may be used to establish the extent of hips and bottom to make them look more adjusted.

Water Intake

The male human body is made up of 60% water while the female human body is 70% water. Drinking water aids weight loss in so many ways. The metabolic process requires a certain amount of water. Going below this required amount will slow down metabolism and fat burning efforts. Hence, get a big water dispenser from Unclutterer and ensure that you’re drinking at least 2-3 litres of water everyday.

Sometimes, dehydration is simply mistaken for hunger. When you feel hunger pangs setting in, you should reach for that bottle of water before you binge on a bag of chips or consume a liter of sugary soda water.

Water supplies the body with adequate oxygen. Sometimes, the lack of oxygen in the body increases unnecessary cravings. Proper hydration is also necessary for your muscles to function well during exercise.

resistance training

Efficient Workout Routines

There’s really nothing new about the importance of exercise in weight loss. However, many people fall into the trap of inefficient workout routines that take up so much time but produce insignificant results. People lose weight at the start of the fitness routine but they reach a plateau eventually. If you observe their workout routines, they’re just one-hour workouts with the same exercises, same number of sets, and same repetitions. The regular one hour workout also has many unnecessary breaks.

If you really want a workout routine that will give you results constantly, you have to mix things up. Your body cannot stick to the same set of exercises because your body will adapt and get used to it. Vary the exercises and the intensity. It also helps to decrease rest period (just lower intensity on some areas).

weight training


Not to Deprivation, discipline is an essential factor in any successful weight loss program, but the problem is that many have difficulty in distinguishing discipline and deprivation. It is okay to deprive your body a little, but too much deprivation will have terrible repercussions.

Allow yourself little rewards once in a while. Your mind has to be presented with little rewards to keep the motivation going. This could be a new pair of jeans, new workout clothes, new television set, etc. As much as possible, keep the rewards non-food related. Once in a while, indulge with a slice of your favorite decadent chocolate cake. But remember that your cheat days also have to be disciplined and regulated.

The Variables Within a Worthy Workout Program

Personal Trainers teach you exercises and correct form – hopefully – but what about the specific variables pertaining to your workout routines? Learning these variables, and the right way to exercise, year-in and year-out, is beneficial and a must for everyone in today’s world.

In other words, everyone should exercise on a regular basis, and everyone should know and understand the variables within a proper fitness regimen. To begin, it is important to have two solid workout routines. If one were to stick to the same routine month in and month out, their body would adjust to the repetitiveness, keeping results stagnant, also increasing the likelihood of injury.

To switch every month makes an enormous difference, keeping the body and muscles challenged, confused and forced to change physically in a more productive environment which then promotes growth.

Full-body workouts are usually the best bet. The resistance training aspect should target your core, upper, and lower extremities. Resistance, or strength, training is necessary to build lean muscle and burn fat.

Most people with the objective to lose weight assume all they have to do is cardio. That’s incorrect. Resistance training is far more superior because you twitch your muscle fibers optimally when you reach “the point of fatigue” – unable to perform another repetition. Your muscle fibers then continue to twitch for 2 to 3 days afterwards, and therefore continue to burn fat in the process.

Note too that a 5-10 minute warm-up beforehand, and 10-15 minutes spent of stretching afterwards is crucial. When performing the recommended routines with minimal rest in between sets, a “circuit style workout“, you will also have the opportunity to improve your cardiovascular health and burn additional calories for more details visit here The variables in a routine are more complex than they may appear as it relates to weight loss tips.

Learning various exercises correctly is one thing, but then there’s also figuring out the right weight to use, number of sets, and number of reps, which is equally important. One thing to remember is that more reps has more cardio involved which creates more definition in your muscle fibers which will give you a longer leaner appearance over time. Doing less reps will give one a stockier and more muscular appearance when performed regularly for a while.

If you want to add more muscles then lower your reps where you are tired after completing around 4-7 reps; that will do the trick.  While higher reps such as 8-25 reps will create much more definition, and those exercises will not bulk one up nearly as much as doing low reps to failure. Lower reps will also build a lot more strength. High reps is more of a mixture of resistance training mixed and cardio which does not emphasize so much on strength building as completing lower reps do. Knowing when to increase the weight is yet another factor to take into account, because ideally, the correct weight should always be somewhat challenging.

Finally there is motion or tempo, which like your routines, should also vary on occasion or within each actual workout. Other Important Information and tips include: drink water throughout the duration of your workout; eat a healthy meal one hour before your workout, and then a healthy meal, or protein shake right afterwards; posture, posture, posture; quality over quantity – perform the repetitions correctly. If at any time a certain exercise feels awkward or uncomfortable – listen to body, it will give your hits – there are plenty of alternatives to most exercises.

Follow these weight loss tips I’ve mentioned above and you will be light years of many when it comes to effective workout and weight loss tips. Now go get busy!


Resistance Training Has Benefits


Tips For Resistance Training?


Strength training has become an important part of life for people who want to become athletes. There are people who love to work out in the gym while there are others who do not prefer to go to the gym. Strength training workouts are usually not dependent on just machines, even though machines may be included in a resistance training plan. These workouts are sometimes known as resistance exercises.


If you are preparing for any endurance event like marathon then you might have the tendency to focus mainly on running. There are individuals who do nothing but run as a part of their workout plan. But it is important to get into resistance training if you really want to do well. You must learn the important of the strength training and the affect it has on your body. This kind of training usually helps to increase and improve your stamina and strength. It helps you to build muscle mass and burn fat efficiently all at the same time.


You may not need to spend or invest lots of money for strength training workouts because they do not require treadmills or any elliptical machines. These exercises can be done at home with no equipment in some cases. You just need to make sure that you have an idea of the body parts you are wanting to train and see if you can train those body parts well enough without any equipment by just using your body weight as resistance for training. First of all it is important to understand the concept of this training.


You must be very clear about your objective and must have a dedication towards the type of program you select. These kinds of workouts include aerobic as well as cardiovascular exercises along with running. If you are an athlete then strength and conditioning is very much necessary. You can follow certain guidelines in this case to make sure you become one of the top athlete if you are an athlete.


strength training

Keep away from any fancy workouts. Always try to keep it simple. If you are a young athlete then do not go for the complex trainings. Secondly, it is important to make sure that you master bodyweight exercises before you move on to any additional resistance exercises. It is very important to have a good workout plan before starting. Have an aim in your mind of what you are trying to accomplish by working out. Work hard to reach your goal.


With any kind of workout that one does, there is always the possibly of muscle injury. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare your muscles first so that there are no injuries. Always warm up before doing any exercise and also cooling down at the end; overtraining is something you must always avoid. Overtraining can be one of the major reasons injury and for excessive soreness. When you train it is very important is rest well. Without proper rest after working out you cannot achieve the kind of success you want to achieve. Therefore it is important to understand the importance of rest because it plays a key role in recovery along with proper nutrition when it comes to resistance training.


Strength Training Workout Routine

Strength Training Workout Routine


A Strength training program is much different than a body building program. To configure a proper strength training routine, you need to understand how a muscle becomes stronger. If you fail to understand the physiology behind how to get stronger, you will not put together an optimal strength training program; the goal in this short article is to explain the differences between body building and strength training. Resistance training is how you will increase your strength and not be a bodybuilder unless you choice to part take in body building.


Body building workouts consists of performing reps of 6 to 12 and working the muscle until it fails. Bodybuilders intentionally try to hurt the muscle group they are working with the idea that when it heals it will become significantly stronger. Proper strength training routine takes a much different approach.


A good strength training plan should focus on how to make a muscle more efficient, not for breaking down a muscle; if your strength training program is focused on things such as “pump” or “burn”, you must change your strategy. Remember body building as “muscular” based and strength training as “nervous system” based. In a good strength training program, try to educate your nervous system to send stronger incentives to group muscle full time. Your strength training programs should be based on heavy weights and low repetition.


If you take a weight of 5 pounds and curl it, the nervous system barely works to contract your bicep muscle. If you take a 40 pound weight and curl it, your nervous system works harder. The heavier weights you choose, the less reps you can perform.

While doing strength training routines, you should range your reps between 2 to 5, but increase your sets to 6 to 10. This allows the brain enough practice to know it must make the muscle stronger. This will train your nervous system to become more effective and fire a strong impetus to the muscle repeatedly.



Training to failure is definitely body building. None of your sets in your strength training programs are ever to fail. Every time you train to fail you are teaching your nervous system to fail. You will be rewarded with weaker impulses that are sent to the muscle on the upcoming sets you perform. When you train to fail you are having to step back in your quest to gain strength. Obviously forced reps should be avoided.


When body builders are fighting for things like “pump” they are actually trying to use their muscles and need to keep rest at a minimum. While doing a strength training program your highest nerve impulses are sent to the muscle in each rep you do. Because of this you need to rest up to 5 minutes between each set.


Because your strength training session is not exploding your muscles, you experience very little soreness days after your workout. Because the muscles do not need to repair themselves, you can work out every muscle group more often than after a body building routine. A bodybuilder might work at every muscle group twice a week, you should be able to work every muscle group 3-4 times a week. If you are “practicing” lifts four times per week, you should get faster results than someone who lifts two times per week; Just make sure you don’t tear the muscle like a bodybuilder.


A quick summary of a good strength training. 1) 3-5 reps per set 2) 6-10 sets per exercise 3) 3-5 minutes of rest between sets 4) Never train to failure. 5) Never carry out forced labor reps. 6) Practice greater lifts 3-4 times per week. Check out the video example to the left of this article for a few examples of the amount of reps to do. Check some more examples of body building and strength training and see what works best for you here.