Obtain Those Shapely Thighs With Thigh Exercises

Shapely, toned and feminine legs are features that every woman strives for with a passion. No wonder, then, that thigh shaping forms a major agenda on a woman’s fitness regime. But, one simply can’t deny how much it adds to a woman’s appearance to have shaped and fit lower body, of the right proportion.

The good news is that, exercises for toning the thighs can be easily and conveniently done at home without having to spend thousands on fitness equipment and require large space for storing them either. Think about this, your legs are the largest muscles in your body so when you work the largest muscles in your body it drastically affect your overall appearance in a positive way; plus it does more than just make your look more appealing physically, it kicks your metabolism into high gear for major fat burning and muscle building which makes your body even more beautiful in appearance. Building strong, firm legs feeds off itself and improves other body parts all at the same time when regular leg exercises are performed.

If you can perform the right hip and thigh toning exercises rightly, you can see the results in just a few weeks, without those complicated toning gadgets to aid you. Remember, simple yet effective thigh exercises coupled with a well balanced and healthy diet can do wonders and fetch you the desired results fairly quickly. Also, it would greatly help to couple aerobics with the thigh exercises; this way you exercise your whole body equally to get the most effective results.

Given below is the effective thigh toning exercises exclusively for women –

The following exercises will include both inner as well as rear thigh exercises. For starters, you can indulge in just 20 to 25 repetitions. You must not try and exert your body too much too early. You would only be damaging your muscles by doing that. Then slowly extend the repetitions to two sets. Indulge in this routine for at least twice every week to feel any difference. These aforementioned figures are meant for beginners. But, if you want optimum results, it is highly recommended that you consult a certified trainer and get a workout time table charted out. Especially, if you have any medical condition or a history of injury or medical problem, please consult a physician before starting on an exercise regime.

Front Thigh exercises –

Standing Dumbbell Squat – Take a dumbbell in each hand and simply let your hands hang at the sides holding the dumbbells or curl them in each arm just above your shoulders. Stand keeping your feet slightly apart, with your legs separated just a bit wider than shoulder width and keep your toes at a slight angle outwards. Ensure your body weight is equally distributed on both your feet. Now, inhale and while keeping the heels stuck to the ground, squat down slowly. Now while straightening up, exhale and then slowly straighten your legs. Repeat this movement, and gradually increase the count. Start off with 2 lb dumbbells if this is your 1st time. After a while you also incorporate jumping up a few inches off the ground as you come back up to an erect standing positon for extra intensity and burn.

Lunges – First stand with keeping your feet apart slightly. Then hold a barbell with both hands keeping the width just barely wider than your shoulders. Then inhale, keep your back straight, at the same time slightly arched, and then step forward with only one leg in a long stride. This way your body will be lowered and try to go as low as touching the floor with the rear knee. Then exhale and go back to the starting position. Use a hands free crutches at this website https://kneecrutches.co.uk/ for your knees health so you don’t put more pressure in your leg.

Rear Thigh Exercise – Seated Hip Twist – Sit on a mat and keep your legs stretched out in front of you. Then bend your right leg at the knee and place the right foot over the other leg. Then hold your right knee in an embrace and slowly tighten the grip pulling your knee towards the left shoulder. Keep holding this position for about 30 seconds and repeat the same with the other side.

Those exercises mentioned above are just a few of the good leg exercises that will transform anyone’s body in a relatively short amount of time. Regular exercise will improve confidence, stamina, appearance and self-esteem. There are many more exercises that can be performed from the comfort of your home that requires very little free weights if any, and you still end up transforming your entire body while improving your health all at the same time.

Think It’s Hard To Lose Belly Fat? Think Again!

Weight loss is one of those things that most people in modern society are interested in – as the majority of people in modern society would admit that they are not especially happy with their weight; even more than “weight loss,” however, most people are interested in looking the way they want to look – and when it comes to “looking the way they want to look,” this often entails figuring out a way to get rid of that unsightly belly fat that has seemed to stick around no matter what they do. If you have considered getting weight loss surgery check out MGB Treatment Webinar for more information.

Of course, if “conventional wisdom” is what you choose to follow, the first thing you are probably going to try to do in order to lose belly fat is start eating lots of fat free foods and start doing a bunch of crunches and sit-ups; if you have ever tried this before, however, you have probably discovered that this does not completely work for you , and you may even have wondered whether you have the ability to lose that belly fat – but what you probably failed to realize is that you were taking the wrong approach altogether! On the one hand, doing crunches and sit-ups will certainly make your abdominal muscles stronger, and may even give you that six pack that so many people try to get, but crunches and sit-ups will not get rid of belly fat, which means no one will see these great abs, as they will be buried under fat; rather than spending so much time on the floor “working out your abs,” it will be much more beneficial for you to simply keep yourself active – going for walks, going for bike rides, jogging, swimming, incorporating resistance training especially compound exercises such as squats, deadlift, clean and jerk, and also doing other things you enjoy that will get you outside and get your body moving.

Another thing to be aware of is the fact that “eating lots of fat free foods,” or even “eating less,” really is not going to help you burn belly fat any better than doing nothing at all; the main thing you need to understand is the foods that contribute to weight gain, and the foods that contribute to fat burning, as an understanding of exactly what these foods are will enable you to incorporate the right type of eating into your diet – eating that will cause you naturally and effortlessly lose weight!

You may have reached a point where you thought it was not even possible for you to lose that weight you have been trying to lose, and to look the way you want to look – but this is not correct at all; you absolutely have the ability to get that figure you want to have, and once you take the time to learn more about the things you can do to make that happen, the more likely you will be to reach your goals, since there are different methods you can use like coolsculpt treatments in different clinics and of course the use of exercise.

The key to weight loss and a healthy life style is to make exercise automatic. Don’t engage in a lifestyle that does not incorporate regular activity, a.k.a exercise, several times a week. Exercise does not have to mean exercise that you would perform traditionally. Not like the exercise you dress up for by putting on your exercise gear and heading out to your local gym; even that would not hurt; but regular exercise can be anything that includes activity that elevates one’s heart rate for a sustainable amount of time such as 30 minutes several times a week. It’s choosing to live an active lifestyle and eating responsibly long term that will give you the results you so desire. You will not get in shape overnight, just like your weight gain did not take place overnight, it’s a compounding effect of doing the wrong or right things that leads to you being in or out of shape or being the ideal weight or not being the ideal weight. If you’ve tried everything to remove stubborn fat, CoolSculpting is the solution you’ve been searching for as suggested by these guys.

Take it one day at a time and you will gradually work down to or up to the desired body weight you seek with regular diet and exercise. It is really that simple. Have a goal of what you seek for your health and appearance in your mind and plot the exercises you want to use to get to your ideal health goal. You can do it, anyone can get the body they seek with a good plan, diet and taking action!

Resistance training is often overlooked when it comes to weight loss and acquiring a lean body, include resistance training it will always speed up the process tremendously leading up to you getting a firm body. Do not focus on how hard it is to perform resistance training, especially compound exercises that most people shy away from; but like my old physical trainer use to tell me think about how good your body will feel once the exercises you doing are finally finished and I have fully recovered. And I must say it’s a really good feeling to pound your body hard with resistance training and then you recover a few days later. The best feeling in the world, very addictive in a good way.  

Learn All About Toning Thighs

Big thighs are a huge problem for many women as fat tends to settle in this area, but the problem can be resolved with some dedication and the right advice. Strict diets are not the solution, but eating healthy meals and avoiding unhealthy snacks and soft drinks are recommended. Below is useful information and exercise tips to help each woman learn all about toning thighs and burning unwanted fat that has settled in this area.

The best thigh toning exercises include targeting the muscles of the leg in combination with aerobics. The amount of time one dedicates will dictate how much fat will be burned and how quickly the positive results will be seen. If you have the will and commit yourself to the task, there can be noticeable results within a six-week period. This part of the leg contains many large muscles, each of which must be targeted individually as well as entirely for the best results. Learning how to tone thighs the right way means understanding the body and the way in which it functions, including the way that exercise comes into play.

Walking and running are highly recommended because they are also aerobic exercises that help the body in many ways. Resistance bands can help to turn the best thigh toning exercises into something even more productive. They help to burn more fat and ultimately tone the muscles faster. For instance, lunges in combination with resistance bands make the exercise more challenging and will give the desired effects more quickly than if doing them without. It’s also important to note that repetitions really count. Start the first day with one set of 15 repetitions and move up to two or three sets gradually. Once the body is more conditioned, the second set should be added, and so on. After the third set is achieved, simply add more repetitions to each set.

Besides the above, some of the most popular and worthwhile workouts for the inner thigh include lifts with circular motions. These are done by lying on the side with the top leg bent at the knee and your foot resting on the floor. From there the other leg, which is extended, is lifted off the floor in upward and downward motions without ever touching the floor. Next, come the circular motions in both directions which ends with holding the leg in the air for several seconds. These are just a few examples of the many tips that will give you the toned thighs you are aiming for.

Know that toning your legs will drastically help to tone the rest of your body by slimming you down and increasing your metabolism; since your legs are usually the largest muscles in your entire body which has a major effect on your overall fitness level. Getting your thighs toned and in shape not only improves your overall health it will also change your overall physique tremendously for the better. Leg workouts must always be a part of your fitness plan. Incorporating free weights for more extreme results is highly recommended whether that is ankle weight, dumbbell or barbell; that will make your results more drastic in the end.

What Obesity Really Does To You

The problem with obesity extends beyond the superficial; the outer appearance. What matters even more is that the individual’s social fabric is broken as the mental and spiritual state inside deteriorates. Imagine you are out having fun with your friends. You noticed a cute guy/girl, you established eye contact, only to be rejected because of your physical appearance. It’s not fair and certainly your uniqueness and character isn’t at fault.

You haven’t even spoken yet! But living in this fast paced world at break-neck speed, one makes judgments in split seconds and because first impression matters, obesity diminishes chance encounters. Next week, your parents from aboard comes for a visit. It’s been 2 yrs since you last saw them and you have “expanded”. Anxiety rises. They approached closer and closer. You can see the shock on their faces. Next comes the killer line – “Oh my god! What happened to you? Did a hippo get in there?” Ok, I’m being too harsh with my words, but you know what I mean. How would you feel? How would you respond? That you are lazy? That there’s nothing you can do about it? Aren’t they merely excuses? It’s bad enough not to acknowledge the state of your present body, it’s even worse to go on living under the shadows of obesity most of us already know the dangers of obesity.

We already know the ill effects of obesity on our health. The problem is most of us choose to be in a state of denial. It’s bad enough not to acknowledge the state of your present body, it’s even worse to go on living under the shadows of obesity and the resulting side-effects it does to your soul, to your well-being, to your lifestyle and to your confidence. Looking good comes first from feeling good, feeling good inside comes from a renewed sense of pride, purpose, drive, satisfaction and love. Let no obesity plunge you into the depth of despair. Let us make a pledge to rid obesity starting with ourselves today.

Perform Stomach Toning Exercises

For you to possess a perfectly toned body, you have to tone all the muscles in the body including the stomach. It is important that you also diet while you are performing stomach toning exercises because those excess calories will go straight to the most common storage area, which are the adipose tissues in the stomach.

What are the stomach toning exercises that you could perform? Pelvic muscles exercises these workouts involve thrusting the hips upward while lying flat on the floor. Your knees should be bent and steady. You can do this daily, increasing the number of routines that you can perform. Standing crossover Called crossovers, these stomach toning routines involve touching your right elbow with your left leg while you are in a standing position. You could do this to the opposite side, left elbow with your right leg. These tone up the muscles in the abs and tighten them. They also tone muscles of the legs and arms.

Abs exercise balls, you can use exercise balls in your routine workout; you could use the ball for a rolling workout. Be creative and use the ab ball to perform several routines by modifying your exercises. Cardio routines Workouts that increase blood circulation, heart rate, and respiration and pulse rate are generally considered cardio exercises. Examples of these are jogging, hiking, swimming, and brisk walking, playing tennis or badminton and many more.

Stomach toning exercises should include cardio routines to be fully successful. These routines are some of the many stomach toning exercises that you could adapt. Regularity and persistence will help you achieve your goal and allow anyone to help lose weight and maintain a healthy body mass index. A healthy lifestyle will also help you enjoy a great body with highly toned muscles. If you continue with your workouts, you will develop strong stomach muscles that can truly withstand any test of stamina and strength, not to mention this will also help you lose a few extra pounds.

The Benefits of Exercising With An Elliptical Trainer

For those that are serious about physical fitness, purchasing a home gym in addition to or instead of a gym membership makes a lot of sense whether you are a beginner or a fitness enthusiast. Elliptical trainers are one of the few pieces of workout equipment that are valued. This article discusses the benefits of exercising with an elliptical trainer. Although, if you need an idea for a gift for your trainer check out GFPW website for more.

Many people wonder how elliptical trainers will benefit them more than other pieces of exercise equipment and do not completely understand the benefits. They may have seen different elliptical trainers advertised in various places and just never took the plunge although their popularity has continued to grow.

The Benefits of Exercising with an Elliptical Trainer

1.Time Saved

Most of us lead busy lives and often will not a lot of free time to invest in our physical fitness no matter how much we would like to improve our overall health and fitness. The buttlanepharmacy.co.uk website gives you different blogs related to mens health, to see this blogs click here. An elliptical trainer ensures that you do not need to make time to go to the gym as it is very convenient as part of a home gym. This saves time, effort and money spent on gym memberships not to mention medical bills. An elliptical provides a full body workout with just one piece of equipment

2. Low Impact

Using an elliptical trainer does not require great muscular skill and strength and is low impact on your joints. Being low impact ensures that you do not injure yourself during your workouts while getting the most from the workout. There are no strenuous positions that are required that can possibly cause injury.

3. Cardiovascular and Weight loss Benefits At the end of the day, most of us want to lose weight while providing cardiovascular benefits for our hearts. Having an elliptical machine handy will ensure that heart health is improved which is beneficial for longevity and to prevent heart diseases such as heart attacks and strokes that lead to death or leave sufferers severely disabled. Strengthening the heart and its functions should always be a goal for any physical activity. Increasing our metabolic rate ensures that more calories are burned a day. Our weight is determined by many factors besides metabolism such as genetics. While we cannot make changes to our genes, an impact can be made on the metabolic rate. Increasing our metabolism will ensure that we burn more calories a day and lose weight fast. An elliptical trainer will ensure that you experience a metabolism boost which will promote weight loss and prevent weight gain. You will end up toning your muscles in your back, arms, stomach and legs with the least impact to your joints. Elliptical machines will cater to anyone regardless of age or fitness levels and can be tailored to meet every need. Having this trainer in your home ensures that it is easily available and you can use it while watching TV or performing some other tasks. Leading healthier lives should be a lifetime goal and should become a lifetime commitment not just at the beginning of the year or as summer approaches. Without your health you will not be among the living, or will not be among the living for long; your health matter tremendously so take care of it. Make a change and get an elliptical trainer and do your body good. There are many places to go an elliptical for your home gym, justlook How To Achieve Physical Fitness And Break Away From The Great American Diet

How to achieve physical fitness and break away from the great American diet is my first article in a belt-tightening series. There have been many books and articles written on this important topic. Since I am a goals and fitness oriented guy, I am going to jump into this one up to my big brown eyes! My goal here is to begin to convince my readers to start a safe and sensible food program.

I dislike the word “diet”, so I sometimes use the term “food program”. I am not going to try to convince you to live on “rabbit food” the rest of your life. However, you will find a fair amount of green vegetables in my Sensible Food Plan-but prepared with a very tasty combination of tantalizing ingredients! Let’s talk about the solutions to achieving physical fitness, and focus on positive methods to get back to a healthy weight. I’m proposing a combination of exercise and my sensible food plan, that when followed will lead most people to a slow but steady loss of weight.

Stay away from high fat fast foods, check out the fat and carbohydrate levels in a burger and fries next time you are in one. It’s going to put excess pounds on you and fast! I discovered during my quest to maintain a healthy weight range was to select a plate that is in a medium size range. I found myself eating less volume of food if the plate was around 9 inches in diameter. Another trick is to cut down on snacks between meals. This can be accomplished by two methods: first, don’t take the package of snacks into the living room, instead pour a modest amount into a smaller bowl or plate. Second, consider substituting a vegetable or fruit you enjoy instead of chips or cookies. It is paramount that you cut down on fat and carbohydrates, I will dig deeper into this in my next article.

Deciding to eat better has helped me to get on the road to achieve physical fitness. These small changes will make a big difference in your overall food intake over the first three months of my food program. Keep yourself accountable, weigh in at home at the same time of day every three days, then write it down on your calendar. Now you have taken the first steps to achieving physical fitness. Remember my message to you, “If You Believe You Will Achieve” always if you take action.

Securing A Physical Fitness Trainer Benefits Diet Planning

When striking out on a weight loss goal it is important that you get all the help that you can. One of the greatest benefits to initiate an exercise routine is to use the positive experience of a physical fitness trainer. In this way, you will find out exactly what needs to be done to lose the excess weight that has been weighing you down all these years and do so without facing serious injury or unnecessary delays. A very good tool that you can use to work .

Proactive Thinking

While it is important to be proactive and full of optimism when working out it is also just as important to do the routines correctly and without injury. Since physical fitness trainers have a great deal of knowledge about the human anatomy they will be a superb learning resource as well as a workout guide. No one says losing weight is an easy task and this will be something that will have many other positive effects on your healthy lifestyle in the future as long as you stick to it.

Knowledgeable In Human Anatomy

A physical fitness trainer will be vested in the types of exercises that an individual should do in order to lose the weight in the least time possible. Trainers know how to start an individual on a dietary regimen that will complement the exercise routine. Weight loss is an ongoing journey that requires hard work and dedication, but supplements like Active PK can help you along the way. These supplements help burn fat and boost energy. The ability of a physical fitness trainer to push an individual harder and on a rising scale without forcing things and creating a serious injury is one of the many overall goals and benefits of a professional trainer.

All the Help 1 Can Get

From time to time individuals may think that they do not require the services of this kind of physical fitness professional. This is true for some, but for the majority of individuals that wish to strike hard and fast on a complete diet exercise plan, it is vitally important to have all the help one can accumulate. It may be that you only need a physical fitness trainer for a temporary time; until you get things rolling and then you can lose weight on your own and do so with a bona fide education from a serious professional in the world of physical fitness. That is always a great thing to have someone with experience at your own personal disposal for a hour at a time; their knowledge will help you to move ahead continuously while putting you on the right track for success.

Stay Focused

Motivation is essential for any type of weight loss goal and this is a good idea to team up with a physical fitness trainer for this overall result of losing weight. Make certain that you do a little bit of free word of mouth background checking of any physical fitness trainer so that a perfect fit can be achieved.  If you keep looking for a good trainer you will eventually find one to work with to accomplish your fitness goal. A good trainer can teach one a lost about fitness among other things to lay a good foundation for success.

A Personal Trainer Will Help You Lose Weight Easily

Motivation was never a concern. Discipline wasn’t either. I was without any excuses, and I wasn’t seeing any results. I exercised consistently working on my problem areas, but I didn’t notice changes. My weight didn’t fall on the scale, nor did my clothes sizes drop. Not until I started working out with a personal trainer. Now I’m doing squats with my trainer. My muscles squeeze and burn. A tiny voice in my head tells me to quit, enough is enough. But my trainer continues to encourage me. She says I will do 10 more reps and to push myself!

Before working with a personal trainer, I wasn’t slimming down. I was also living with an ostomy. Things look bleak and I was stuck. I hovered five to ten pounds over where I preferred to be, and I was never able to lower my weight. I was injuring myself from over-training. I was eating only at night after depriving myself all day. My way of life was counter-productive to the goals I wanted to achieve. At last, I thought maybe I should hire a personal trainer. First, she put me through a sequence of assessments so we could keep track of my progress in the future. Besides my weight – my own scorekeeper of my progress – she assessed a few other things as well. She measured my maximal oxygen consumption (the volume of oxygen my body uses for exercise) my anaerobic threshold (when muscles begin to produce lactic acid and burn more sugar than fat) and my body fat analysis. They were different kinds of measurements, but nonetheless, they offered me added motivation for getting into much better shape. My diet was also evaluated.

We concluded that my weight loss was failing because I pigged-out nightly after barely eating anything all day. We discussed how I could change my everyday eating habits into far better options, like replacing low-nutrient high carb foods with whole carbs and lean protein. I lost 25 lbs in the first six months of working out with a personal trainer.

My other stats improved significantly as well! Thanks to my personal trainer, I was forced out of and beyond my comfort zone. She was a true professional always staying positive with positive reinforcement, and she was never negative. I’ve made so many advances from where I was when I tried working out on my own.

The knowledge and encouragement provided to me by my personal trainer has boosted my weight loss and fitness to another level. Without my trainer, I might have quit. My trainer may force me to work a bit harder than I would like to – but overall, I’m proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish. All of this to say that considering to workout with a trainer is not a bad idea if you are needing that extra push to get you over a hump and move you closer towards your health goals; seriously this can be beneficial. Check out some of my other fitness articles, remember fitness is more mental that it is physical in many ways. You need to keep mentally motivated in order to continually push yourself forward and progress.

The Power of Sex – Promoting Fitness in More Ways Than One

sex and exercise

When people talk of fitness, they often associate the word with extensive dieting, workout sessions and denying oneself the pleasures of life. There is one thing, however, that can help promote fitness in more ways than one. Sex. That’s right, the simple joys of having sex with your partner is in itself an extensive workout program, and can help you in more ways than one: A physical experience The physical fitness benefits of sex are quite obvious for both men and women, as all the bucking and grinding definitely breaks any person into a sweat. Most men take ED pills to have a great intimate time in bed.

It is the more subtle effects of sex on the heart and lungs, however, that truly gives sex its powerful fitness benefits. The increased heart rate and deeper breathing helps stimulate the flow blood, which in turn strengthens both the respiratory and circulatory system – always a good thing for physical fitness. You could even add a couple of supplements like Excite Male Performance by Dymatize into the picture to really help boost not only your sexual prowess and libido, but your muscles as well.

A relaxing experience-

 A person who feels great is a person who is truly fit, as fitness is not just defined by bodily strength and toughness. Sex is the insertion of a man’s penis in a woman’s vagina, but great sex is the complete release of inhibitions and personal restraints. Such acts of “letting go” provides a great way for a person to relax, making them feel stronger, happier and more content and committed at the end of the day. Factor in the physical exercise that comes with sex, and you have one of the best ways to wind down and get rid of stress known to man.

A spiritual experience Sex is not limited to the realm of physical fitness and relaxation, however. Sex is not just a purely carnal act, as mainstream pornography or easy-come, easy-go relationships make it out to be. Engaging in a healthy sexual relationship, built on the foundations of intimacy and closeness, will provide both partners with somebody to invest their emotions in. Having a person to love and care for, so to speak, is one of the cornerstones of complete fitness, and can only be defined as a spiritual experience with another person.

Three experiences combined You may be wondering what, exactly, does relaxation and spiritual attachment in sex have to do with physical fitness. You can ask any doctor that keeps up with the times, and they will always confirm that the mind is delicately intertwined with the body. If one is neglected, the other will suffer. You can even see this for yourself. Notice how lousy you feel when you have a serious cold or migraine pulsing in your head, and notice how sluggish your body feels when you are sad and depressed. The same goes for sex – it becomes a great way to build fitness if you enjoy it and do it with somebody you care for. So remember, do it right and you’ll get it right. Just remember to stay safe, or fitness will be the least of your worries!

Motivation for Working Out


There should be some kind of motivation for people to work out as they do not put enough emphasis on its importance to health. Clubs and organizations could do well to start motivating people and their members to begin a physical fitness program and disseminate information on its effectiveness. Exercises are generally prescribed by doctors to patients. Even patients in the hospital are often advised to have physical therapy and mild exercises after suffering a stroke.

Before beginning a strenuous exercise, elders, pregnant women, and those who are hypertensive patients need to consult a physician for an exercise program. There are exercises for each category, but generally, 30 minutes of physical activity should be practiced daily for health maintenance, 60 minutes to prevent weight gain, and 90 minutes to maintain weight loss. The 30 minutes physical activity could be done in the house and/or in the office, and has no need to go to the gym if one is too busy.

A housewife can divide a 30 minute workout in different house chores; 10 minutes cleaning the house, 10 minutes gardening, 10 minutes stretching, or watching video exercises. To an employee, 30 minutes can be used by walking up to the bus stop and using the stairs instead of the elevator. Anyone could be imaginative in what kind of exercise to do, as long as 30 minutes of physical activity is consumed within the day. Dancing and aerobics aside from being a work out could be an outreach program in a community. It is also some kind of fellowship. It could be done on any day of the week, in the playground, in the church, or in the house of a member.

Doing exercise when someone is alone, can be monotonous, and one often loses motivation to continue. Group walking and jogging work outs could be done by clubs and organization as a physical fitness program at least once a week. As a family activity, all group levels could join here. Families could also visit malls, parks and museums on their free day. Aside from the benefits from exercise, any family will become happier and bonding will begin. The gym provides a systematic work out program. Records of physical weight and activities are done to follow up the program designed for an individual. Improvements are monitored until the desired outcome is obtained. Going into sports are not advised for pregnant women as changes in her body occurs. Pregnant women are heavy in the middle, and their balance is affected and might suffer a fall. Light exercises as in walking and stretching prepares the woman’s body to become flexible in anticipation for the delivery of the baby. It solves simple pregnancy problem like varicose veins, swollen legs and constipation. Exercises should also be done after delivery, to flex muscles, and help in losing weight faster. People should be properly motivated to do work outs. It is always a pleasure to join invitations coming from peer groups, family, and friends to do group activities. But this must be done regularly to become effective, for there is a saying: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”